SIP core核心协议
SIP 其他相关协议
SIP core 核心协议
Session Initiation Protocol,SIP协议的最核心的协议,其他协议在此基础上展开。
呼叫的SIP代理对呼叫进行路由对呼叫地址定位,验证身份信息,确认签权服务.SIP 也提供注册服务功能,允许更新用户
SIP URLs使用相关协议
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): Locating SIP Servers:SIP定位服务
摘要说明:SIP使用DNS流程允许客户解析SIP URL地址为下一跳的IP地址,端口和传
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) UPDATE Method:SIP update method
摘要说明:为SIP协议定义的UPDATE method。SIP update method 允许用户更新会话参数(例如:媒体流组和其编
码),但是不会影响dialog状态。此那个角度看,它非常像re-invite, 但是又不是re-invite. UPDATE 可以在初始请求之前发
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Extension Header Field for Registering Non-Adjacent Contacts
摘要说明:SIP REGISTER的基本功能是为SIP系统提供一个contact地址和AOR地址的临时关联关系。SIP contact 格式一般为URI
格式,例如:<>,并且一般情况下,此contact地址是和关联的SIP UA的IP地址或主机名称以动态形
主网络穿越注册服务的网络。REGISTER method 没有给用户提供一种机制来发现和记录代理的顺序以便为将来使用。此协议定义了
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Basic Call Flow Examples:SIP基本呼叫示例
Actions Addressing Identified Issues with the Session Initiation Protocol's (SIP) Non-INVITE Transaction:对于SIP
摘要说明:此规范描述了对SIP修改引起的问题,这些问题在SIP none-INVITE事务中会出现。这些修改会降低在SIP none-
Example Call Flows of Race Conditions in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): SIP极端环境呼叫流程示例
要素包括SIP UA和SIP代理服务器。
Message Body Handling in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP):SIP消息体处理
摘要说明:此规范指定了如何处理SIP的消息体。另外,此规范也指定了SIP UA 用户代理如何在消息体中支持
MIME(Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)。
Addressing Record-Route Issues in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
摘要说明:SIP代理典型的功能是在初始的,dialog创建中的请求插入一个Record-Route header来确保后续请求和in-dialog
创建中请求通过代理透传。此头中包含SIP URL或者SIPs的URL指示如何通过地址让后续请求发送才能抵达代理地址。SIP或
者SIPS URL可以包含IPv4 或者IPv6地址和URI参数来影响路由,例如传输参数。当代理不得不修改在接入接口和出局接口参
数(例如多宿主主机,传输协议切换,Ipv4或者IPv6切换),就会重新一个问题,需要在Record-Route header(s)插入何
Essential Correction for IPv6 ABNF and URI Comparison in RFC 3261
摘要说明:纠正了ABNF(Augmented Backus-Naur Form)产品规则在RFC3261中生成IPv6的关联说明,当URI中包含了文本
Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) Extensions for TCP Allocations
一个新的请求,指示TURN服务器端开启接受了TCP peer的连接。TURN和此扩展双方都自觉地协助了转发地址的方法。具体
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) INFO Method and Package Framework
摘要说明:定义 info method和Info method的包机制
Re-INVITE and Target-Refresh Request Handling in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Response Code for Indication of Terminated Dialog
Design Considerations for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Overload Control
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Overload Control
载的机制。此文档定义了涉及服务器超载时,SIP服务器超载的处理方式,也指定了一个SIP的loss-based 超载机制。
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Rate Control
摘要说明:在新一代网络中普遍使用了SIP,SIP提供了丰富的流量控制机制来防止流量的失控。load-based 解决方案机制提供了一种解决方
案,基于rate 控制是对loss-bsed 方案的一个补充方式。
URNs for the Alert-Info Header Field of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
Location Conveyance for the Session Initiation Protocol
Location Source Parameter for the SIP Geolocation Header Field
loc-src参数,SIP实体对Geolocation 头添加了位置值以后,通过使用主机来确认其身份。
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) "Join" Header
摘要说明:定义一个新的头-join支持SIP多方应用和呼叫控制。Join 头在现存的dialog中通过逻辑介入方式创建一个新的dialog。其使
High-Level Requirements for Tightly Coupled SIP Conferencing
A Framework for Conferencing with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Call Control - Conferencing for User Agents
了会议方式,其不同类型的UA包括:conference-unaware, conference-aware和focus UAs。在会议中关于URI的使用,通过option
Session Description Protocol (SDP) Format for Binary Floor Control Protocol (BFCP) Streams
Multiple Dialog Usages in the Session Initiation Protocol
处理多个dialog使用不会有多么难以理解,但是把理解的流程实际部署在使用场景中却非常复杂。此备忘录认为多dialog 使用应该避
Session Description Protocol (SDP) Format for Binary Floor Control Protocol (BFCP) Streams
摘要说明:此规范定义SDP answer/offer 支持双流BFCP协商和创建流程。
A Framework for Centralized Conferencing
摘要说明:此规范定义了集中控制的会议技术框架。此框架允许会议参与者使用各种信令协议,例如SIP,H.323, Jabber, Q.931和ISUP
Extensible Markup Language (XML) Format Extension for Representing Copy Control Attributes in Resource Lists
摘要说明:在某些媒体通信类型中,SIP请求可以分发到一个SIP UA组中。发送方对SIP服务器发送了单个请求后,要求SIP服务器把此
Conference Establishment Using Request-Contained Lists in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
摘要说明:描述如何使用SIP URL list 服务创建会议。具体来说,它描述一种机制允许UC 客户端通过初始的会议参与方列表,使用一
Referring to Multiple Resources in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
Content-ID Header Field in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Conference Bridge Transcoding Model
A Call Control and Multi-Party Usage Framework for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
The Binary Floor Control Protocol (BFCP)
The Alternative Network Address Types (ANAT) Semantics for the Session Description Protocol (SDP) Grouping Framework
摘要说明:This document defines the Alternative Network Address Types (ANAT) semantics for the Session Description Protocol
(SDP) grouping framework. The ANAT semantics allow alternative types of network addresses to establish a particular media
摘要说明:This document defines extensions to the SIP REFER method so that it can be used to refer to multiple resources in
a single request. These extensions include the use of pointers to Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) lists in the Refer-To
header field and the "multiple-refer" SIP option-tag.
摘要说明:This document describes how to invoke transcoding services using the conference bridge model. This way of
invocation meets the requirements for SIP regarding transcoding services invocation to support deaf, hard of hearing, and
speech-impaired individuals.
摘要说明:This document defines a framework and the requirements for call control and multi-party usage of the Session Initiation Protocol
(SIP). To enable discussion of multi-party features and applications, we define an abstract call model for describing the
media relationships required by many of these. The model and actions described here are specifically chosen to be independent of the SIP signaling and/or
mixing approach chosen to actually set up the media relationships. In addition to its dialog manipulation aspect, this framework includes requirements for
communicating related information and events such as conference and session state and session history. This framework also describes other goals that embody
the spirit of SIP applications as used on the Internet such as the definition of primitives (not services), invoker and participant oriented primitives, signaling and
mixing model independence, and others.
摘要说明:Floor control is a means to manage joint or exclusive access to shared resources in a (multiparty) conferencing environment.
Thereby, floor control complements other functions -- such as conference and media session setup, conference policy manipulation, and
media control -- that are realized by other protocols. This document specifies the Binary Floor Control Protocol (BFCP). BFCP is used
between floor participants and floor control servers, and between floor chairs (i.e., moderators) and floor control servers.
摘要说明:This document specifies the Content-ID header field for usage in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). This document also updates
5621, which only allows a Content-ID URL to reference a body part that is part of a multipart message-body. This update enables a
Content-ID URL to reference a complete message-body and metadata provided by some additional SIP header fields. This document updates
RFC 5368 and RFC 6442 by clarifying their usage of the SIP Content-ID header field.
An Offer/Answer Model with the Session Description Protocol (SDP)
This document defines a mechanism by which two entities can make use of the Session Description Protocol (SDP) to arrive at a common view
of a multimedia session between them. In the model, one participant offers the other a description of the desired session from their
perspective, and the other participant answers with the desired session from their perspective. This offer/answer model is most
useful in unicast sessions where information from both participants is needed for the complete view of the session. The offer/answer
model is used by protocols like the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
Grouping of Media Lines in the Session Description Protocol (SDP)
This document defines two Session Description Protocol (SDP) attributes: "group" and "mid". They allow to group together
several "m" lines for two different purposes: for lip synchronization and for receiving media from a single flow (several media
streams) that are encoded in different formats during a particular session, on different ports and host interfaces.
Session Description Protocol (SDP) Simple Capability Declaration
This document defines a set of Session Description Protocol (SDP) attributes that enables SDP to provide a minimal and backwards
compatible capability declaration mechanism. Such capability declarations can be used as input to a subsequent session negotiation,
which is done by means outside the scope of this document. This provides a simple and limited solution to the general capability
negotiation problem being addressed by the next generation of SDP, also known as SDPng.
Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP) attribute in Session Description Protocol (SDP)
The Session Description Protocol (SDP) is used to describe the parameters of media streams used in multimedia sessions. When a
session requires multiple ports, SDP assumes that these ports have consecutive numbers. However, when the session crosses a
network address translation device that also uses port mapping, the ordering of ports can be destroyed by the translation. To
handle this, we propose an extension attribute to SDP.
TCP-Based Media Transport in the Session Description Protocol (SDP)
This document describes how to express media transport over TCP using the Session Description Protocol (SDP). It defines the SDP 'TCP'
protocol identifier, the SDP 'setup' attribute, which describes the connection setup procedure, and the SDP 'connection' attribute, which
handles connection reestablishment.
Session Description Protocol (SDP) Offer/Answer Examples
This document gives examples of Session Description Protocol (SDP) offer/answer exchanges. Examples include codec negotiation
and selection, hold and resume, and addition and deletion of media streams. The examples show multiple media types, bidirectional,
unidirectional, inactive streams, and dynamic payload types. Common Third Party Call Control (3pcc) examples are also given.
SDP: Session Description Protocol
This memo defines the Session Description Protocol (SDP). SDP is intended for describing multimedia sessions
for the purposes of session announcement, session invitation, and other forms of multimedia session initiation.
The Session Description Protocol (SDP) Label Attribute
This document defines a new Session Description Protocol (SDP) media-level attribute: "label". The "label" attribute carries a
pointer to a media stream in the context of an arbitrary network application that uses SDP. The sender of the SDP
document can attach the "label" attribute to a particular media stream or streams. The application can then use the
provided pointer to refer to each particular media stream in its context.
Forward Error Correction Grouping Semantics in Session Description Protocol
This document defines the semantics that allow for grouping of Forward Error Correction (FEC) streams with the
protected payload streams in Session Description Protocol (SDP). The semantics defined in this document are to be
used with "Grouping of Media Lines in the Session Description Protocol" (RFC 3388) to group together "m" lines
in the same session.
The Session Description Protocol (SDP) Content Attribute
This document defines a new Session Description Protocol (SDP) media-level attribute, 'content'. The 'content' attribute defines the
content of the media stream to a more detailed level than the media description line. The sender of an SDP session description can
attach the 'content' attribute to one or more media streams. The receiving application can then treat each media stream differently
(e.g., show it on a big or small screen) based on its content.
RTP Payload Format and File Storage Format for the Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) and Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband (AMR-WB) Audio Codecs
This document specifies a Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) payload format to be used for Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) and Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband (AMR-WB) encoded
speech signals. The payload format is designed to be able to interoperate with existing AMR and AMR-WB transport formats on non-IP networks. In addition, a file format is
specified for transport of AMR and AMR-WB speech data in storage mode applications such as email. Two separate media type registrations are included, one for AMR and one
for AMR-WB, specifying use of both the RTP payload format and the storage format. This document obsoletes RFC 3267.
Session Description Protocol (SDP) Attributes for Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Broadcast (BCAST) Service and Content Protection
This document provides descriptions of Session Description Protocol (SDP) attributes used by the Open Mobile Alliance's Broadcast Service
and Content Protection specification.
The Session Description Protocol (SDP) Grouping Framework
In this specification, we define a framework to group "m" lines in the Session Description Protocol (SDP) for different purposes. This framework uses the "group" and
"mid" SDP attributes, both of which are defined in this specification. Additionally, we specify how to use the framework for two different purposes: for lip synchronization
and for receiving a media flow consisting of several media streams on different transport addresses. This document obsoletes RFC 3388.
Negotiating Media Multiplexing Using the Session Description Protocol (SDP)
This specification defines a new Session Description Protocol (SDP) Grouping Framework extension called 'BUNDLE'. The extension can be used with the SDP offer/answer
mechanism to negotiate the usage of a single transport (5-tuple) for sending and receiving media described by multiple SDP media descriptions ("m=" sections). Such transport is
referred to as a "BUNDLE transport", and the media is referred to as "bundled media". The "m=" sections that use the BUNDLE transport
form a BUNDLE group. This specification defines a new RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Source Description (SDES) item and a new RTP header extension. This specification updates RFCs
3264, 5888, and 7941. This specification obsoletes RFC 8843.
RTP Header Extension for the RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Source Description Items
Source Description (SDES) items are normally transported in the RTP Control Protocol (RTCP). In some cases, it can be beneficial to speed up the delivery of these items. The main case
is when a new synchronization source (SSRC) joins an RTP session and the receivers need this source's identity, relation to other sources, or its synchronization context, all of which may
be fully or partially identified using SDES items. To enable this optimization, this document specifies a new RTP header extension that can carry SDES items.
Session Description Protocol (SDP) Capability Negotiation
The Session Description Protocol (SDP) was intended to describe multimedia sessions for the purposes of session announcement, session
invitation, and other forms of multimedia session initiation. SDP was not intended to provide capability indication or capability negotiation; however, over the years,
SDP has seen widespread adoption and as a result it has been gradually extended to provide limited support for these, notably in the form of the offer/answer model
defined in RFC 3264. SDP does not define how to negotiate one or more alternative transport protocols (e.g., RTP profiles) or attributes. This makes it difficult to
deploy new RTP profiles such as Secure RTP or RTP with RTCP-based feedback, negotiate use of different security keying mechanisms, etc. It also presents problems
for some forms of media negotiation. The purpose of this document is to address these shortcomings by extending SDP with capability negotiation parameters and
associated offer/answer procedures to use those parameters in a backwards compatible manner. The document defines a general SDP Capability Negotiation
framework. It also specifies how to provide attributes and transport protocols as capabilities and negotiate them using the framework. Extensions
for other types of capabilities (e.g., media types and media formats) may be provided in other documents.
Forward Error Correction Grouping Semantics in the Session Description Protocol
This document defines the semantics for grouping the associated source and FEC-based (Forward Error Correction) repair flows in the Session Description Protocol
(SDP). The semantics defined in this document are to be used with the SDP Grouping Framework (RFC 5888). These semantics allow the description of grouping
relationships between the source and repair flows when one or more source and/or repair flows are associated in the same group, and they provide support for
additive repair flows. SSRC-level (Synchronization Source) grouping semantics are also defined in this document for Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) streams
using SSRC multiplexing.
Session Description Protocol (SDP) Media Capabilities Negotiation
Session Description Protocol (SDP) capability negotiation provides a general framework for indicating and negotiating capabilities in SDP.
The base framework defines only capabilities for negotiating transport protocols and attributes. This documents extends the framework by defining media
capabilities that can be used to negotiate media types and their associated parameters. This document updates the IANA Considerations of RFC 5939.
IPv6 Transition in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document describes how the IPv4 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) user agents can communicate with IPv6 SIP user agents (and vice
versa) at the signaling layer as well as exchange media once the session has been successfully set up. Both single- and dual-stack (i.e., IPv4-
only and IPv4/IPv6) user agents are considered.
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Usage of the Offer/Answer Model
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) utilizes the offer/answer model to establish and update multimedia sessions using the Session Description Protocol
(SDP). The description of the offer/answer model in SIP is dispersed across multiple RFCs. This document summarizes all the current usages of the offer/
answer model in SIP communication.
Usage of the Session Description Protocol (SDP) Alternative Network Address Types (ANAT) Semantics in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document describes how to use the Alternative Network Address Types (ANAT) semantics of the Session Description Protocol (SDP)
grouping framework in SIP. In particular, we define the sdp-anat SIP option-tag. This SIP option-tag ensures that SDP session descriptions that use ANAT are only
handled by SIP entities with ANAT support. To justify the need for such a SIP option-tag, we describe what could possibly happen if an ANAT-unaware SIP entity tried to
handle media lines grouped with ANAT.
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) History-Info Header Call Flow Examples
This document describes use cases and documents call flows that require the History-Info header field to capture the Request-
URIs as a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Request is retargeted. The use cases are described along with the corresponding call
flow diagrams and messaging details.
The SIP INFO Method
This document proposes an extension to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). This extension adds the INFO method to the SIP
protocol. The intent of the INFO method is to allow for the carrying of session related control information that is generated during
a session. One example of such session control information is ISUP and ISDN signaling messages used to control telephony call
services. This and other example uses of the INFO method may be standardized in the future.
A Privacy Mechanism for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document defines new mechanisms for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) in support of privacy. Specifically, guidelines are
provided for the creation of messages that do not divulge personal identity information. A new "privacy service" logical role for
intermediaries is defined to answer some privacy requirements that user agents cannot satisfy themselves. Finally, means are
presented by which a user can request particular functions from a privacy service.
Private Extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for Asserted Identity within Trusted Networks
This document describes private extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) that enable a network of trusted SIP servers to assert the
identity of authenticated users, and the application of existing privacy mechanisms to the identity problem. The use of these extensions is
only applicable inside an administrative domain with previously agreed-upon policies for generation, transport and usage of such information.
This document does NOT offer a general privacy or identity model suitable for use between different trust domains, or use in the Internet at
The Reason Header Field for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
For creating services, it is often useful to know why a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) request was issued. This document defines
a header field, Reason, that provides this information. The Reason header field is also intended to be used to encapsulate a final
status code in a provisional response. This functionality is needed to resolve the "Heterogeneous Error Response Forking
Problem", or HERFP.
Internet Media Type message/sipfrag
This document registers the message/sipfrag Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) media type. This type is similar to
message/sip, but allows certain subsets of well formed Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) messages to be represented instead of
requiring a complete SIP message. In addition to end-to-end security uses, message/sipfrag is used with the REFER method to convey
information about the status of a referenced request.
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Extension Header Field for Service Route Discovery During Registration
This document defines a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) extension header field used in conjunction with responses to REGISTER requests
to provide a mechanism by which a registrar may inform a registering user agent (UA) of a service route that the UA may use to request
outbound services from the registrar's domain.
Indicating User Agent Capabilities in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This specification defines mechanisms by which a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) user agent can convey its capabilities and
characteristics to other user agents and to the registrar for its domain. This information is conveyed as parameters of the Contact header
Caller Preferences for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document describes a set of extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) which allow a caller to express preferences
about request handling in servers. These preferences include the ability to select which Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) a
request gets routed to, and to specify certain request handling directives in proxies and redirect servers. It does so by defining
three new request header fields, Accept-Contact, Reject-Contact, and Request-Disposition, which specify the caller's preferences.
Session Timers in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document defines an extension to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). This extension allows for a periodic refresh of SIP sessions
through a re-INVITE or UPDATE request. The refresh allows both user agents and proxies to determine whether the SIP session is still active.
The extension defines two new header fields: Session-Expires, which conveys the lifetime of the session, and
Min-SE, which conveys the minimum allowed value for the session timer.
The Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) as a Transport for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document specifies a mechanism for usage of SCTP (the Stream Control Transmission Protocol) as the transport mechanism
between SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) entities. SCTP is a new protocol that provides several features that may prove beneficial for
transport between SIP entities that exchange a large amount of messages, including gateways and proxies. As SIP is transport-
independent, support of SCTP is a relatively straightforward process, nearly identical to support for TCP.
An Extension to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for Request History Information
This document defines a standard mechanism for capturing the history information associated with a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
request. This capability enables many enhanced services by providing the information as to how and why a call arrives at a specific
application or user. This document defines a new optional SIP header, History-Info, for capturing the history information in requests.
Applying Signaling Compression (SigComp) to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document describes some specifics that apply when Signaling Compression (SigComp) is applied to the Session Initiation Protocol
(SIP), such as default minimum values of SigComp parameters, compartment and state management, and a few issues on SigComp
over TCP. Any implementation of SigComp for use with SIP must conform to this document and SigComp, and in addition, support
the SIP and Session Description Protocol (SDP) static dictionary.
Rejecting Anonymous Requests in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) allows for users to make anonymous calls. However, users receiving such calls have the right to
reject them because they are anonymous. SIP has no way to indicate to the caller that the reason for call rejection was that the call
was anonymous. Such an indication is useful to allow the call to be retried without anonymity. This specification defines a new SIP
response code for this purpose.
A Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Media Feature Tag for MIME Application Subtypes
The caller preferences specification for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) allows a caller to express preferences that the call
be routed to a User Agent (UA) with particular capabilities. Similarly, a specification exists to allow a UA to indicate its
capabilities in a registration. Amongst those capabilities are the type of media streams the agent supports, described as top-level
MIME types. The 'application' MIME type is used to describe a broad range of stream types, and it provides insufficient granularity
as a capability. This specification allows a UA to indicate which application subtypes the agent supports.
User-Agent-Driven Privacy Mechanism for SIP
This document defines a guideline for a User Agent (UA) to generate an anonymous Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) message by
utilizing mechanisms such as Globally Routable User Agent URIs (GRUUs) and Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) without the
need for a privacy service defined in RFC 3323.
Updates to Asserted Identity in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) has a mechanism for conveying the identity of the originator of a request by means of the
P-Asserted-Identity and P-Preferred-Identity header fields. These header fields are specified for use in requests using a number of SIP
methods, in particular the INVITE method. However, RFC 3325 does not specify the insertion of the P-Asserted-Identity header field by
a trusted User Agent Client (UAC), does not specify the use of P-Asserted-Identity and P-Preferred-Identity header fields with certain
SIP methods such as UPDATE, REGISTER, MESSAGE, and PUBLISH, and does not specify how to handle an unexpected number of URIs
or unexpected URI schemes in these header fields. This document extends RFC 3325 to cover these situations.
A Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Extension for the Identification of Services
This document describes private extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) that enable a network of trusted SIP servers to
assert the service of authenticated users. The use of these extensions is only applicable inside an administrative domain with
previously agreed-upon policies for generation, transport, and usage of such information. This document does NOT offer a general
service identification model suitable for use between different trust domains or for use in the Internet at large.
The document also defines a URN to identify both services and User Agent (UA) applications. This URN can be used within the SIP
header fields defined in this document to identify services, and also within the framework defined for caller preferences and callee
capabilities to identify usage of both services and applications between end UAs.
Carrying Q.850 Codes in Reason Header Fields in SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) Responses
Although the use of the SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) Reason header field in responses is considered in general in RFC 3326, its
use is not specified for any particular response code. Nonetheless, existing deployments have been using Reason header fields to
carry failure-related Q.850 cause codes in SIP responses to INVITE requests that have been gatewayed to Public Switched
Telephone Network (PSTN) systems. This document normatively describes the use of the Reason header field in carrying Q.850
cause codes in SIP responses.
Mechanism to Indicate Support of Features and Capabilities in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This specification defines a new SIP header field, Feature-Caps. The Feature-Caps header field conveys feature-capability indicators that
are used to indicate support of features and capabilities for SIP entities that are not represented by the Uniform Resource Identifier
(URI) of the Contact header field. SIP entities that are represented by the URI of the SIP Contact header field can convey media feature
tags in the Contact header field to indicate support of features and capabilities. This specification also defines feature-capability
indicators and creates a new IANA registry, "Proxy-Feature Feature-Capability
Indicator Trees", for registering feature-capability indicators.
RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Extended Report (XR) Blocks for Summary Statistics Metrics Reporting
This document defines three RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Extended Report (XR) blocks that allow the reporting of loss,
duplication, and discard summary statistics metrics in a range of RTP applications.
A Taxonomy of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Back-to-Back User Agents
In many SIP deployments, SIP entities exist in the SIP signaling path between the originating and final terminating endpoints, which go
beyond the definition of a SIP proxy, performing functions not defined in Standards Track RFCs. The only term for such devices
provided in RFC 3261 is for a Back-to-Back User Agent (B2BUA), which is defined as the logical concatenation of a SIP User Agent Server
(UAS) and User Agent Client (UAC). There are numerous types of SIP B2BUAs performing different roles in different ways; for example, IP
Private Branch Exchanges (IPBXs), Session Border Controllers (SBCs), and Application Servers (ASs). This document identifies several
common B2BUA roles in order to provide taxonomy other documents can use and reference.
The WebSocket Protocol as a Transport for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
The WebSocket protocol enables two-way real-time communication between clients and servers in web-based applications. This document
specifies a WebSocket subprotocol as a reliable transport mechanism between Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) entities to enable use of SIP in
web-oriented deployments.
Requirements for an End-to-End Session Identifier in IP-Based Multimedia Communication Networks
This document specifies the requirements for an end-to-end session identifier in IP-based multimedia communication networks. This
identifier would enable endpoints, intermediate devices, and management and monitoring systems to identify a session end-to-end
across multiple SIP devices, hops, and administrative domains.
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) P-Private-Network-Indication Private Header (P-Header)
This document specifies the SIP P-Private-Network-Indication P-header used by the 3GPP. The P-Private-Network-Indication indicates that the
message is part of the message traffic of a private network and identifies that private network. A private network indication allows nodes to treat
private network traffic according to a different set of rules than the set applicable to public network traffic.
A Session Identifier for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
There is a need for having a globally unique session identifier for the same SIP session that can be consistently maintained across SIP
Proxies, Back-to-Back User Agents (B2BUAs), and other SIP middleboxes, for the purpose of troubleshooting. This document
proposes a new SIP header to carry such a value: Session-ID. The mechanism defined in this document has been widely deployed, and
is being followed in a backward-compatible fashion for a new Standards Track document produced by the INSIPID Working Group.
Loop Detection Mechanisms for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Back-to-Back User Agents (B2BUAs)
Mapping and Interworking of Diversion Information between Diversion and History-Info Header Fields in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
Although the SIP History-Info header field described in RFC 7044 is the solution adopted in IETF, the non-standard Diversion header field
described, as Historic, in RFC 5806 is nevertheless already implemented and used for conveying call-diversion-related information
in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) signaling. RFC 7044 obsoletes the original RFC 4244 and redefines the History-Info header field for capturing the
history information in requests. Since the Diversion header field is used in existing network implementations for the transport of call diversion
information, its interworking with the SIP History-Info standardized solution is needed. This document describes a recommended interworking guideline
between the Diversion header field and the History-Info header field to handle call diversion information. This work is intended to enable the migration
from non-standard implementations toward IETF specification-based implementations. This document obsoletes RFC 6044, which describes the
interworking between the Diversion header field defined in RFC 5806 and the obsoleted History-Info header field defined on RFC 4244.
Reliability of Provisional Responses in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document specifies an extension to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) providing reliable provisional response messages.
This extension uses the option tag 100rel and defines the Provisional Response ACKnowledgement (PRACK) method.
Negotiating Media Multiplexing Using the Session Description Protocol (SDP)
This specification defines a new Session Description Protocol (SDP) Grouping Framework extension called 'BUNDLE'. The extension can be used with the SDP
offer/answer mechanism to negotiate the usage of a single transport (5-tuple) for sending and receiving media described by multiple SDP media descriptions
("m=" sections). Such transport is referred to as a BUNDLE transport, and the media is referred to as bundled media. The "m=" sections that use the BUNDLE
transport form a BUNDLE group. This specification defines a new RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Source Description (SDES) item and a new RTP header extension.
This specification updates RFCs 3264, 5888, and 7941.
The PINT Service Protocol: Extensions to SIP and SDP for IP Access to Telephone Call Services
MIME media types for ISUP and QSIG Objects
This document contains the specification of the PINT Service Protocol 1.0, which defines a protocol for invoking certain
telephone services from an IP network. These services include placing basic calls, sending and receiving faxes, and receiving
content over the telephone. The protocol is specified as a set of enhancements and additions to the SIP 2.0 and SDP protocols.
This document describes MIME types for application/ISUP and application/QSIG objects for use in SIP applications, according to
the rules defined in RFC 2048. These types can be used to identify ISUP and QSIG objects within a SIP message such as INVITE or
INFO, as might be implemented when using SIP in an environment where part of
the call involves interworking to the PSTN.
Short Term Requirements for Network Asserted Identity
A Network Asserted Identity is an identity initially derived by a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) network intermediary as a result of
an authentication process. This document describes short term requirements for the exchange of Network Asserted Identities within
networks of securely interconnected trusted nodes and to User Agents securely connected to such networks. There is no requirement for
identities asserted by a UA in a SIP message to be anything other than the user's desired alias.
Private Extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for Asserted Identity within Trusted Networks
This document describes private extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) that enable a network of trusted SIP servers to assert
the identity of authenticated users, and the application of existing privacy mechanisms to the identity problem. The use of these
extensions is only applicable inside an administrative domain with previously agreed-upon policies for generation, transport and usage
of such information. This document does NOT offer a general privacy or identity model suitable for use between different trust domains,
or use in the Internet at large.
Clarifications for When to Use the name-addr Production in SIP Messages
RFC 3261 constrained several SIP header fields whose grammar contains the "name-addr / addr-spec" alternative to use name-addr when certain
characters appear. Unfortunately, it expressed the constraints with prose copied into each header field definition, and at least one
header field was missed. Further, the constraint has not been copied into documents defining extension headers whose grammar contains the
alternative. This document updates RFC 3261 to state the constraint generically and clarifies that the constraint applies to all SIP header fields
where there is a choice between using name-addr or addr-spec. It also updates the RFCs that define extension SIP header fields using
the alternative to clarify that the constraint applies (RFCs 3325, 3515, 3892, 4508, 5002, 5318, 5360, and 5502).
Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) User Part (ISUP) to Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Mapping
This document describes a way to perform the mapping between two signaling protocols: the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the
Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) User Part (ISUP) of Signaling System No. 7 (SS7). This mechanism might be implemented
when using SIP in an environment where part of the call involves interworking with the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).
Mapping of Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) User Part (ISUP) Overlap Signalling to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document describes a way to map Integrated Services Digital Network User Part (ISUP) overlap signalling to Session Initiation
Protocol (SIP). This mechanism might be implemented when using SIP in an environment where part of the call involves interworking with
the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) Call Flows
This document contains best current practice examples of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) call flows showing interworking with the
Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). Elements in these call flows include SIP User Agents, SIP Proxy Servers, and PSTN Gateways.
Scenarios include SIP to PSTN, PSTN to SIP, and PSTN to PSTN via SIP. PSTN telephony protocols are illustrated using ISDN (Integrated
Services Digital Network), ISUP (ISDN User Part), and FGB (Feature Group B) circuit associated signaling. PSTN calls are illustrated
using global telephone numbers from the PSTN and private extensions served on by a PBX (Private Branch Exchange). Call flow diagrams and
message details are shown.
The SPIRITS (Services in PSTN requesting Internet Services) Protocol
This document describes the Services in PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) requesting Internet Services (SPIRITS) protocol.
The purpose of the SPIRITS protocol is to support services that originate in the cellular or wireline PSTN and necessitate
interactions between the PSTN and the Internet. On the PSTN side, the SPIRITS services are most often initiated from the Intelligent
Network (IN) entities. Internet Call Waiting and Internet Caller-ID Delivery are examples of SPIRITS services, as are location-based
services on the cellular network. The protocol defines the building blocks from which many other services can be built.
Calling Line Identification for Voice Mail Messages
This document describes a method for identifying the originating calling party in the headers of a stored voice mail message. Two new
header fields are defined for this purpose: Caller_ID and Called_Name. Caller_id is used to store sufficient information for the recipient to callback, or reply to, the sender of the
message. Caller-name provides the name of the person sending the message.
Early Media and Ringing Tone Generation in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document describes how to manage early media in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) using two models: the gateway model and the application server model. It also
describes the inputs one needs to consider in defining local policies for ringing tone generation.
Input 3rd-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Release 5 Requirements on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
The 3rd-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) has selected Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) as the session establishment protocol for
the 3GPP IP Multimedia Core Network Subsystem (IMS). IMS is part of Release 5 of the 3GPP specifications. Although SIP is a protocol
that fulfills most of the requirements for establishing a session in an IP network, SIP has never been evaluated against the specific 3GPP
requirements for operation in a cellular network. In this document, we express the requirements identified by 3GPP to support SIP for
Release 5 of the 3GPP IMS in cellular networks.
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) P-User-Database Private-Header (P-Header)
This document specifies the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) P-User-Database Private-Header (P-header). This header field is used
in the 3rd-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) to provide SIP registrars and SIP proxy servers with the
address of the database that contains the user profile of the user that generated a particular request.
The SIP P-Served-User Private-Header (P-Header) for the 3GPP IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) Subsystem
This document specifies the SIP P-Served-User P-header. This header field addresses an issue that was found in the 3rd Generation
Partnership Project (3GPP) IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) between an S-CSCF (Serving Call Session Control Function) and an AS (Application
Server) on the ISC (IMS Service Control) interface. This header field conveys the identity of the served user and the session case
that applies to this particular communication session and application invocation.
A P-Served-User Header Field Parameter for an Originating Call Diversion (CDIV) Session Case in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
The P-Served-User header field was defined based on a requirement from the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) IMS (IP Multimedia
Subsystem) in order to convey the identity of the served user, his/her registration state, and the session case that applies to that
particular communication session and application invocation. A session case is metadata that captures the status of the session of a
served user regardless of whether or not the served user is registered or the session originates or terminates with the served
user. This document updates RFC 5502 by defining a new P-Served-User header field parameter, "orig-cdiv". The parameter conveys the
session case used by a proxy when handling an originating session after Call Diversion (CDIV) services have been invoked for the served
user. This document also fixes the ABNF in RFC 5502 and provides more guidance for using the P-Served-User header field in IP
Updates to Asserted Identity in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) has a mechanism for conveying the identity of the originator of a request by means of the P-Asserted-Identity and P-Preferred-
Identity header fields. These header fields are specified for use in requests using a number of SIP methods, in particular the INVITE method. However, RFC 3325 does
not specify the insertion of the P-Asserted-Identity header field by a trusted User Agent Client (UAC), does not specify the use of P-Asserted-Identity and P-Preferred-
Identity header fields with certain SIP methods such as UPDATE, REGISTER, MESSAGE, and PUBLISH, and does not specify how to handle an unexpected number of
URIs or unexpected URI schemes in these header fields. This document extends RFC 3325 to cover these situations.
Carrying Q.850 Codes in Reason Header Fields in SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) Responses
Although the use of the SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) Reason header field in responses is considered in general in RFC 3326, its use is not specified for any particular
response code. Nonetheless, existing deployments have been using Reason header fields to carry failure-related Q.850 cause codes in SIP responses to INVITE requests
that have been gatewayed to Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) systems. This document normatively describes the use of the Reason header field in carrying
Q.850 cause codes in SIP responses.
Problem Statement and Requirements for Transporting User-to-User Call Control Information in SIP
This document introduces the transport of call control User-to-User Information (UUI) using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and
develops several requirements for a new SIP mechanism. Some SIP sessions are established by or related to a non-SIP application.
This application may have information that needs to be transported between the SIP User Agents during session establishment. In
addition to interworking with the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) UUI Service, this extension will also be used for native SIP
endpoints requiring application UUI.
Private Header (P-Header) Extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for the 3GPP
This document describes a set of private header (P-header) Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) fields used by the 3GPP, along with their
applicability, which is limited to particular environments. The P-header fields are used for a variety of purposes within the
networks that the partners implement, including charging and information about the networks a call traverses. This document
obsoletes RFC 3455.
P-Access-Network-Info ABNF Update
This document updates RFC 7315, by modifying the extension-access-info part of the P-Access-Network-Info header field Augmented Backus-
Naur Form (ABNF), and by adding the following 'access-info' header field parameter values to the list of 'access-info' header field
parameter values in the ABNF: 'operator-specific-GI' and 'utran-sai-3gpp'. The values are defined in the ABNF but are not included in the list.
Updates to Private Header (P-Header) Extension Usage in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Requests and Responses
The Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) has identified cases where different SIP private header extensions referred to as "P-"
header fields, and defined in RFC 7315, need to be included in SIP requests and responses currently not allowed according to RFC 7315.
This document updates RFC 7315, in order to allow inclusion of the affected "P-" header fields in such requests and responses. This document also makes
updates for RFC 7315 in order to fix misalignments that occurred when RFC 3455 was updated and obsoleted by RFC 7315.
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) P-Private-Network-Indication Private Header (P-Header)
This document specifies the SIP P-Private-Network-Indication P-header used by the 3GPP. The P-Private-Network-Indication indicates that
the message is part of the message traffic of a private network and identifies that private network. A private network indication allows
nodes to treat private network traffic according to a different set of rules than the set applicable to public network traffic.
A Mechanism for Transporting User-to-User Call Control Information in SIP
There is a class of applications that benefit from using SIP to exchange User-to-User Information (UUI) data during session
establishment. This information, known as call control UUI data, is a small piece of data inserted by an application initiating the
session and utilized by an application accepting the session. The syntax and semantics for the UUI data used by a specific application
are defined by a UUI package. This UUI data is opaque to SIP and its function is unrelated to any basic SIP function. This document
defines a new SIP header field, User-to-User, to transport UUI data, along with an extension mechanism.
Interworking ISDN Call Control User Information with SIP
The motivation and use cases for interworking and transporting User- to-User Information (UUI) from the ITU-T Digital Subscriber
Signalling System No. 1 (DSS1) User-user information element within SIP are described in RFC 6567. As networks move to SIP, it is
important that applications requiring this data can continue to function in SIP networks as well as have the ability to interwork
with this ISDN service for end-to-end transparency. This document defines a usage (a new package called the ISDN UUI package) of the
User-to-User header field to enable interworking with this ISDN service. This document covers interworking with both public ISDN and private
ISDN capabilities, so the potential interworking with QSIG will also be addressed. The package is identified by the new value "isdn-uui" of the
"purpose" header field parameter.
3GPP SIP URI Inter-Operator Traffic Leg Parameter
In 3GPP networks, the signaling path between a calling user and a called user can be partitioned into segments, referred to as traffic
legs. Each traffic leg may span networks belonging to different operators and will have its own characteristics that can be different
from other traffic legs in the same call. A traffic leg might be associated with multiple SIP dialogs, e.g., in case a Back-to-Back
User Agent (B2BUA) that modifies the SIP dialog identifier is located within the traffic leg. This document defines a new SIP URI parameter, 'iotl' (an
abbreviation for Inter-Operator Traffic Leg). The parameter can be used in a SIP URI to indicate that the entity associated with the
address, or an entity responsible for the host part of the address, represents the end of a specific traffic leg (or multiple traffic
legs). The SIP URI 'iotl' parameter defined in this document has known uses in 3GPP networks. Usage in other networks is also possible.
Session Initiation Protocol for Telephones (SIP-T): Context and Architectures
The popularity of gateways that interwork between the PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) and SIP networks has motivated the
publication of a set of common practices that can assure consistent behavior across implementations. This document taxonomizes the uses of
PSTN-SIP gateways, provides uses cases, and identifies mechanisms necessary for interworking. The mechanisms detail how SIP provides for both
'encapsulation' (bridging the PSTN signaling across a SIP network) and 'translation' (gatewaying).
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) "Replaces" Header
This document defines a new header for use with Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) multi-party applications and call control. The Replaces header is used to
logically replace an existing SIP dialog with a new SIP dialog. This primitive can be used to enable a variety of features, for example: "Attended Transfer" and
"Call Pickup". Note that the definition of these example features is non-normative.
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Refer Method
This document defines the REFER method. This Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) extension requests that the recipient REFER to a resource provided in the request. It
provides a mechanism allowing the party sending the REFER to be notified of the outcome of the referenced request. This can be used to enable many applications,
including call transfer. In addition to the REFER method, this document defines the the refer event package and the Refer-To request header.
Clarifications for the Use of REFER with RFC 6665
The SIP REFER method relies on the SIP-Specific Event Notification framework. That framework was revised by RFC 6665. This document
highlights the implications of the requirement changes in RFC 6665, and updates the definition of the REFER method described in RFC 3515 to
clarify and disambiguate the impact of those changes.
Best Current Practices for Third Party Call Control (3pcc) in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
Third party call control refers to the ability of one entity to create a call in which communication is actually between other parties. Third party call control is possible
using the mechanisms specified within the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). However, there are several possible approaches, each with different benefits and
drawbacks. This document discusses best current practices for the usage of SIP for third party call control.
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Referred-By Mechanism
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) REFER method provides a mechanism where one party (the referrer) gives a second party (the
referee) an arbitrary URI to reference. If that URI is a SIP URI, the referee will send a SIP request, often an INVITE, to that URI
(the refer target). This document extends the REFER method, allowing the referrer to provide information about the REFER request to the
refer target using the referee as an intermediary. This information includes the identity of the referrer and the URI to which the
referrer referred. The mechanism utilizes S/MIME to help protect this information from a malicious intermediary. This protection is
optional, but a recipient may refuse to accept a request unless it is present.
Transcoding Services Invocation in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Using Third Party Call Control (3pcc)
This document describes how to invoke transcoding services using Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and third party call control. This
way of invocation meets the requirements for SIP regarding transcoding services invocation to support deaf, hard of hearing and
speech-impaired individuals.
Suppression of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) REFER Method Implicit Subscription
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) REFER extension as defined in RFC 3515 automatically establishes a typically short-lived event
subscription used to notify the party sending a REFER request about the receiver's status in executing the transaction requested by the
REFER. These notifications are not needed in all cases. This specification provides a way to prevent the automatic establishment
of an event subscription and subsequent notifications using a new SIP extension header field that may be included in a REFER request.
Conveying Feature Tags with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) REFER Method
The SIP "Caller Preferences" extension defined in RFC 3840 provides a mechanism that allows a SIP request to convey information relating to
the originator's capabilities and preferences for handling of that request. The SIP REFER method defined in RFC 3515 provides a
mechanism that allows one party to induce another to initiate a SIP request. This document extends the REFER method to use the mechanism
of RFC 3840. By doing so, the originator of a REFER may inform the recipient as to the characteristics of the target that the induced
request is expected to reach.
Framework for Real-Time Text over IP Using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document lists the essential requirements for real-time Text-over-IP (ToIP) and defines a framework for implementation of all
required functions based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP). This includes interworking
between Text-over-IP and existing text telephony on the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and other networks.
Session Initiation Protocol Service Examples
This document gives examples of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) services. This covers most features offered in so-called IP Centrex
offerings from local exchange carriers and PBX (Private Branch Exchange) features. Most of the services shown in this document are
implemented in the SIP user agents, although some require the assistance of a SIP proxy. Some require some extensions to SIP
including the REFER, SUBSCRIBE, and NOTIFY methods and the Replaces and Join header fields. These features are not intended to be an
exhaustive set, but rather show implementations of common features likely to be implemented on SIP IP telephones in a business
Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN)
Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) is a protocol that serves as a tool for other protocols in dealing with Network Address Translator (NAT) traversal. It can be used by
an endpoint to determine the IP address and port allocated to it by a NAT. It can also be used to check connectivity between two endpoints, and as a keep-alive protocol to
maintain NAT bindings. STUN works with many existing NATs, and does not require any special behavior from them. STUN is not a NAT traversal solution by itself. Rather,
it is a tool to be used in the context of a NAT traversal solution. This is an important change from the previous version of this specification (RFC 3489), which presented
STUN as a complete solution. This document obsoletes RFC 3489.
Requesting Answering Modes for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document extends SIP with two header fields and associated option tags that can be used in INVITE requests to convey the
requester's preference for user-interface handling related to answering of that request. The first header, "Answer-Mode",
expresses a preference as to whether the target node's user interface waits for user input before accepting the request or, instead,
accepts the request without waiting on user input. The second header, "Priv-Answer-Mode", is similar to the first, except that it
requests administrative-level access and has consequent additional authentication and authorization requirements. These behaviors have
applicability to applications such as push-to-talk and to diagnostics like loop-back. Usage of each header field in a response to indicate
how the request was handled is also defined.
DNS AttrLeaf Changes: Fixing Specifications That Use Underscored Node Names
Using an underscore for a prefix creates a space for constrained interoperation of resource records. Original uses of an underscore
character as a domain node name prefix were specified without the benefit of an IANA registry. This produced an entirely uncoordinated
set of name-creation activities, all drawing from the same namespace. A registry for these names has now been defined by RFC 8552.
However, the existing specifications that use underscored naming need to be modified in order to be in line with the new registry. This
document specifies those changes. The changes preserve existing software and operational practice, while adapting the specifications
for those practices to the newer underscore registry model.
Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) as Transport for Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN)
This document specifies the usage of Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) as a transport protocol for Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN). It provides guidance
on when and how to use DTLS with the currently standardized STUN usages. It also specifies modifications to the STUN and Traversal Using Relay NAT (TURN) URIs and to
the TURN resolution mechanism to facilitate the resolution of STUN and TURN URIs into the IP address and port of STUN and TURN servers supporting DTLS as a
transport protocol. This document updates RFCs 5389 and 5928.
A Framework for Application Interaction in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document describes a framework for the interaction between users and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) based applications. By interacting with applications, users can
guide the way in which they operate. The focus of this framework is stimulus signaling, which allows a user agent (UA) to interact with an application without knowledge of
the semantics of that application. Stimulus signaling can occur to a user interface running locally with the client, or to
a remote user interface, through media streams. Stimulus signaling encompasses a wide range of mechanisms, ranging from clicking on
hyperlinks, to pressing buttons, to traditional Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) input. In all cases, stimulus signaling is supported through the use of markup languages,
which play a key role in this framework.
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Session Mobility
Session mobility is the transfer of media of an ongoing communication session from one device to another. This document describes the basic approaches and shows the
signaling and media flow examples for providing this service using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). Service discovery is essential to locate targets for session transfer and
is discussed using the Service Location Protocol (SLP) as an example. This document is an informational document.
Requirements from Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Session Border Control (SBC) Deployments
This document describes functions implemented in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) intermediaries known as Session Border Controllers
(SBCs). The goal of this document is to describe the commonly provided functions of SBCs. A special focus is given to those practices that are viewed to be in conflict with
SIP architectural principles. This document also explores the underlying requirements of network operators that have led to the use of these functions and practices in order
to identify protocol requirements and determine whether those requirements are satisfied by existing specifications or if additional standards work is required.
Identification of Communications Services in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document considers the problem of service identification in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). Service identification is the process of determining the user-level use case
that is driving the signaling being utilized by the user agent (UA). This document discusses the uses of service identification, and outlines several
architectural principles behind the process. It identifies perils when service identification is not done properly -- including fraud, interoperability failures, and stifling of innovation.
It then outlines a set of recommended practices for service identification.
Requirements for Multiple Address of Record (AOR) Reachability Information in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document states requirements for a standardized SIP registration mechanism for multiple addresses of record (AORs), the mechanism being suitable for deployment by SIP
service providers on a large scale in support of small to medium sized Private Branch Exchanges (PBXs). The requirements are for a solution that can, as a minimum, support
AORs based on E.164 numbers.
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) User Agent Configuration
This document defines procedures for how a SIP User Agent should locate, retrieve, and maintain current configuration information from a Configuration Service.
Registration for Multiple Phone Numbers in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document defines a mechanism by which a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) server acting as a traditional Private Branch Exchange (PBX) can register with a SIP Service
Provider (SSP) to receive phone calls for SIP User Agents (UAs). In order to function properly, this mechanism requires that each of the Addresses of Record (AORs) registered in
bulk map to a unique set of contacts. This requirement is satisfied by AORs representing phone numbers regardless of the domain, since phone numbers are fully qualified and
globally unique. This document therefore focuses on this use case.
Use Cases and Requirements for SIP-Based Media Recording (SIPREC)
Session recording is a critical requirement in many business communications environments, such as call centers and financial trading floors. In some of these environments, all
calls must be recorded for regulatory and compliance reasons. In others, calls may be recorded for quality control or business analytics. Recording is typically performed by
sending a copy of the session media to the recording devices. This document specifies requirements for extensions to SIP that will manage delivery of RTP media to a recording
device. This is being referred to as SIP-based Media Recording.
Location Conveyance for the Session Initiation Protocol
This document defines an extension to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) to convey geographic location information from one SIP entity to another SIP entity. The SIP extension
covers end-to-end conveyance as well as location-based routing, where SIP intermediaries make routing decisions based upon the location of the Location Target.
Distribution of Diverse BGP Paths
The BGP4 protocol specifies the selection and propagation of a single best path for each prefix. As defined and widely deployed today, BGP has no mechanisms to distribute
alternate paths that are not considered best path between its speakers. This behavior results in a number of disadvantages for new applications and services. The main objective
of this document is to observe that by simply adding a new session between a route reflector and its client, the Nth best path can be distributed. This document also compares
existing solutions and proposed ideas that enable distribution of more paths than just the best path. This proposal does not specify any changes to the BGP protocol definition. It
does not require a software upgrade of provider edge (PE) routers acting as route reflector clients.
A Framework for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Session Policies
Proxy servers play a central role as an intermediary in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) as they define and impact policies on call routing, rendezvous, and other call features.
This document specifies a framework for SIP session policies that provides a standard mechanism by which a proxy can define or influence policies on sessions, such as the
codecs or media types to be used. It defines a model, an overall architecture and new protocol mechanisms for session policies.
The Common Log Format (CLF) for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): Framework and Information Model
Well-known web servers such as Apache and web proxies like Squid support event logging using a common log format. The logs produced
using these de facto standard formats are invaluable to system administrators for troubleshooting a server and tool writers to craft tools that mine the log files and produce
reports and trends. Furthermore, these log files can also be used to train anomaly detection systems and feed events into a security event management
system. The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) does not have a common log format, and, as a result, each server supports a distinct log format that makes it unnecessarily
complex to produce tools to do trend analysis and security detection. This document describes a framework, including requirements and analysis of existing approaches, and
specifies an information model for development of a SIP common log file format that can be used uniformly by user agents, proxies, registrars, and redirect servers as well as
back-to-back user agents.
Format for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Common Log Format (CLF)
The SIPCLF working group has defined a Common Log Format (CLF) framework for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) servers. This CLF mimics the successful event logging
format found in well-known web servers like Apache and web proxies like Squid. This document proposes an indexed text encoding format for the SIP CLF that retains the
key advantages of a text-based format while significantly increasing processing performance over a purely text-based implementation. This file format adheres to the SIP CLF
information model and provides an effective encoding scheme for all mandatory and optional fields that appear in a SIP CLF record.
Completion of Calls for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
The "completion of calls" feature defined in this specification allows the caller of a failed call to be notified when the callee becomes available to receive a call. For the
realization of a basic solution without queuing, this document references the usage of the dialog event package (RFC 4235) that is described as 'Automatic Redial' in "Session
Initiation Protocol Service Examples" (RFC 5359). For the realization of a more comprehensive solution with queuing, this document introduces an architecture for
implementing these features in the Session Initiation Protocol where "completion of calls" implementations associated with the caller's and callee's endpoints cooperate to
place the caller's request for completion of calls into a queue at the callee's endpoint; when a caller's request is ready to be serviced, re-attempt of the original, failed call is
then made. The architecture is designed to interoperate well with existing completion of calls solutions in other networks.
Indicating Fax over IP Capability in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document defines and registers with IANA the new "fax" media feature tag for use with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). Currently, fax calls are indistinguishable
from voice calls at call initiation. Consequently, fax calls can be routed to SIP user agents that are not fax capable. A "fax" media feature tag implemented in conjunction
with caller preferences allows for more accurate fax call routing.
The WebSocket Protocol as a Transport for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
The WebSocket protocol enables two-way real-time communication between clients and servers in web-based applications. This document specifies a WebSocket subprotocol
as a reliable transport mechanism between Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) entities to enable use of SIP in web-oriented deployments.
An Architecture for Media Recording Using the Session Initiation Protocol
Session recording is a critical requirement in many communications environments such as call centers and financial trading. In some of these environments, all calls must be
recorded for regulatory, compliance, and consumer protection reasons. Recording of a session is typically performed by sending a copy of a media stream to a recording
device. This document describes architectures for deploying session recording solutions in an environment that is based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
Indicating WebSocket Protocol as a Transport in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Common Log Format (CLF)
RFC 7118 specifies a WebSocket subprotocol as a reliable real-time transport mechanism between Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) entities to enable usage of SIP in web-
oriented deployments. This document updates the SIP Common Log Format (CLF), defined in RFC 6873, with a new "Transport Flag" for such SIP WebSocket transport.
A Security Threat Analysis for the Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPLs)
This document presents a security threat analysis for the Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPLs). The development
builds upon previous work on routing security and adapts the assessments to the issues and constraints specific to low-power and
lossy networks. A systematic approach is used in defining and evaluating the security threats. Applicable countermeasures are
application specific and are addressed in relevant applicability statements.
Shared Appearances of a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Address of Record (AOR)
This document describes the requirements and implementation of a group telephony feature commonly known as Bridged Line Appearance
(BLA) or Multiple Line Appearance (MLA), or Shared Call/Line Appearance (SCA). When implemented using the Session Initiation
Protocol (SIP), it is referred to as shared appearances of an Address of Record (AOR) since SIP does not have the concept of lines. This
feature is commonly offered in IP Centrex services and IP Private Branch Exchange (IPBX) offerings and is likely to be implemented on
SIP IP telephones and SIP feature servers used in a business environment. This feature allows several user agents (UAs) to share
a common AOR, learn about calls placed and received by other UAs in the group, and pick up or join calls within the group. This document
discusses use cases, lists requirements, and defines extensions to implement this feature. This specification updates RFCs 3261 and 4235.
A Taxonomy of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Back-to-Back User Agents
In many SIP deployments, SIP entities exist in the SIP signaling path between the originating and final terminating endpoints, which go beyond the definition of a SIP proxy,
performing functions not defined in Standards Track RFCs. The only term for such devices provided in RFC 3261 is for a Back-to-Back User Agent (B2BUA), which is defined as
the logical concatenation of a SIP User Agent Server (UAS) and User Agent Client (UAC). There are numerous types of SIP B2BUAs performing different roles in different ways;
for example, IP Private Branch Exchanges (IPBXs), Session Border Controllers (SBCs), and Application Servers (ASs). This document identifies several common B2BUA roles in
order to provide taxonomy other documents can use and reference.
Session Recording Protocol
This document specifies the use of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), the Session Description Protocol (SDP), and the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) for delivering real-
time media and metadata from a Communication Session (CS) to a recording device. The Session Recording Protocol specifies the use of SIP, SDP, and RTP to establish a
Recording Session (RS) between the Session Recording Client (SRC), which is on the path of the CS, and a Session Recording Server (SRS) at the recording device. This
document considers only active recording, where the SRC purposefully streams media to an SRS and all participating user agents (UAs) are notified of the recording. Passive
recording, where a recording device detects media directly from the network (e.g., using port-mirroring techniques), is outside the scope of this document. In addition,
lawful intercept is outside the scope of this document.
IANA Considerations for the IPv4 and IPv6 Router Alert Options
This document updates the IANA allocation rules and registry of IPv4 and IPv6 Router Alert Option Values.
An Extension to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for Symmetric Response Routing
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) operates over UDP and TCP, among others. When used with UDP, responses to requests are returned
to the source address the request came from, and to the port written into the topmost Via header field value of the request. This behavior is not desirable in
many cases, most notably, when the client is behind a Network Address Translator (NAT). This extension defines a new parameter for the Via header field,
called "rport", that allows a client to request that the server send the response back to the source IP address and port from which the request originated.
Symmetric RTP / RTP Control Protocol (RTCP)
This document recommends using one UDP port pair for both communication directions of bidirectional RTP and RTP ControlProtocol (RTCP) sessions,
commonly called "symmetric RTP" and "symmetric RTCP".
Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE): A Protocol for Network Address Translator (NAT) Traversal for Offer/Answer Protocols
Interactive Connectivity Establishment Patiently Awaiting Connectivity (ICE PAC)
During the process of establishing peer-to-peer connectivity, Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) agents can encounter situations where they have no candidate pairs to check, and, as a result,
conclude that ICE processing has failed. However, because additional candidate pairs can be discovered during ICE processing, declaring failure at this point may be premature. This document discusses
when these situations can occur. This document updates RFCs 8445 and 8838 by requiring that an ICE agent wait a minimum amount of time before declaring ICE failure, even if there are no candidate
pairs left to check.
Trickle ICE: Incremental Provisioning of Candidates for the Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) Protocol
This document describes "Trickle ICE", an extension to the Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) protocol that enables ICE agents to begin connectivity checks while they are still
gathering candidates, by incrementally exchanging candidates over time instead of all at once. This method can considerably accelerate the process of establishing a communication session.
Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN)
Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) is a protocol that serves as a tool for other protocols in dealing with Network Address Translator (NAT) traversal. It can be used by an
endpoint to determine the IP address and port allocated to it by a NAT. It can also be used to check connectivity between two endpoints, and as a keep-alive protocol to maintain NAT
bindings. STUN works with many existing NATs, and does not require any special behavior from them. STUN is not a NAT traversal solution by itself. Rather, it is a tool to be used in
the context of a NAT traversal solution. This is an important change from the previous version of this specification (RFC3489), which presented STUN as a complete solution. This
document obsoletes RFC 3489.
Managing Client-Initiated Connections in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) allows proxy servers to initiate TCP connections or to send asynchronous UDP datagrams to User Agents in order to deliver requests. However, in
a large number of real deployments, many practical considerations, such as the existence of firewalls and Network Address Translators (NATs) or the use of TLS with server-provided
certificates, prevent servers from connecting to User Agents in this way. This specification defines behaviors for User Agents, registrars, and proxy servers that allow requests to be
delivered on existing connections established by the User Agent. It also defines keep-alive behaviors needed to keep NAT bindings open and specifies the usage of multiple
connections from the User Agent to its registrar.
Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN): Relay Extensions to Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN)
If a host is located behind a NAT, then in certain situations it can be impossible for that host to communicate directly with other hosts (peers). In these situations, it is necessary for
the host to use the services of an intermediate node that acts as a communication relay. This specification defines a protocol, called TURN (Traversal Using Relays around NAT), that
allows the host to control the operation of the relay and to exchange packets with its peers using the relay. TURN differs from some other relay control protocols in that it allows a
client to communicate with multiple peers using a single relay address The TURN protocol was designed to be used as part of the ICE (Interactive Connectivity Establishment)
approach to NAT traversal, though it also can be used without ICE.
Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) Server Auto Discovery
Current Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) server discovery mechanisms are relatively static and limited to explicit configuration. These are usually under the administrative control of
the application or TURN service provider, and not the enterprise, ISP, or the network in which the client is located. Enterprises and ISPs wishing to provide their own TURN servers need auto-
discovery mechanisms that a TURN client could use with minimal or no configuration. This document describes three such mechanisms for TURN server discovery. This document updates RFC
5766 to relax the requirement for mutual authentication in certain cases.
Indicating Support for Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This specification defines a media feature tag and an option tag for use with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). The media feature tag allows a User Agent (UA) to communicate to its
registrar that it supports ICE. The option tag allows a UA to require support for ICE in order for a call to proceed.
Test Vectors for Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN)
The Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) protocol defines several STUN attributes. The content of some of these -- FINGERPRINT, MESSAGE-INTEGRITY, and XOR-MAPPED-ADDRESS --
involve binary-logical operations (hashing, xor). This document provides test vectors for those attributes.
NAT Behavior Discovery Using Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN)
This specification defines an experimental usage of the Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) Protocol that discovers the presence and current behavior of NATs and firewalls between the
STUN client and the STUN server.
Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) Resolution Mechanism
This document defines a resolution mechanism to generate a list of server transport addresses that can be tried to create a Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) allocation.
Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) Extension for IPv6
This document adds IPv6 support to Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN). IPv6 support in TURN includes IPv4-to-IPv6, IPv6-to-IPv6, and IPv6-to-IPv4 relaying. This document defines the
ADDRESS-FAMILY attribute for TURN. The REQUESTED-ADDRESS-FAMILY attribute allows a client to explicitly request the address type the TURN server will allocate (e.g., an IPv4-only node may request the
TURN server to allocate an IPv6 address).
Indication of Support for Keep-Alive
This specification defines a new Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Via header field parameter, "keep", which allows adjacent SIP entities to explicitly negotiate usage of the Network Address
Translation (NAT) keep-alive mechanisms defined in SIP Outbound, in cases where SIP Outbound is not supported, cannot be applied, or where usage of keep-alives is not implicitly
negotiated as part of the SIP Outbound negotiation.
NAT Traversal Practices for Client-Server SIP
Traversal of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the sessions it establishes through Network Address Translators (NATs) is a complex problem. Currently, there are many deployment
scenarios and traversal mechanisms for media traffic. This document provides concrete recommendations and a unified method for NAT traversal as well as documents corresponding flows.
Definition of a Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for the Schema for Academia (SCHAC)
This document describes a Uniform Resource Name (URN) namespace for the Schema for Academia (SCHAC). The namespace described in this document is for naming persistent
resources defined by the SCHAC participants internationally, their working groups, and other designated subordinates. The main use of this namespace will be for the creation of controlled
vocabulary values for attributes in the SCHAC schema. These values will be associated with particular instances of persons or objects belonging to any of the SCHAC object classes.
TCP Candidates with Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE)
Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) defines a mechanism for NAT traversal for multimedia communication protocols based on the offer/answer model of session negotiation. ICE works by
providing a set of candidate transport addresses for each media stream, which are then validated with peer-to-peer connectivity checks based on Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN). ICE
provides a general framework for describing candidates but only defines UDP-based media streams. This specification extends ICE to TCP-based media, including the ability to offer a mix of TCP
and UDP-based candidates for a single stream.
URI Scheme for the Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) Protocol
This document specifies the syntax and semantics of the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) scheme for the Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) protocol.
Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) Uniform Resource Identifiers
This document specifies the syntax of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) schemes for the Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) protocol. It defines two URI schemes to provision the TURN Resolution
Mechanism (RFC 5928).
Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) as Transport for Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN)
This document specifies the usage of Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) as a transport protocol for Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN). It provides guidance on when and how to
use DTLS with the currently standardized STUN usages. It also specifies modifications to the STUN and Traversal Using Relay NAT (TURN) URIs and to the TURN resolution mechanism to facilitate the
resolution of STUN and TURN URIs into the IP address and port of STUN and TURN servers supporting DTLS as a transport protocol. This document updates RFCs 5389 and 5928.
Problems with Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) Long-Term Authentication for Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN)
This document discusses some of the security problems and practical problems with the current Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) authentication for Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) messages.
Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) Labels for Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) Usages
Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) labels for Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) usages, such as Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) and NAT discovery, are defined in this document to allow
an application layer to negotiate STUN usages within the Transport Layer Security (TLS) connection. ALPN protocol identifiers defined in this document apply to both TLS and Datagram
Transport Layer Security (DTLS).
Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) Message Handling for SIP Back-to-Back User Agents (B2BUAs)
Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) Extension for Third-Party Authorization
Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) Usage for Consent Freshness
To prevent WebRTC applications, such as browsers, from launching attacks by sending traffic to unwilling victims, periodic consent to send needs to be obtained from remote endpoints. This document describes
a consent mechanism using a new Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) usage.
This document proposes the use of OAuth 2.0 to obtain and validate ephemeral tokens that can be used for Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) authentication. The usage of ephemeral tokens ensures
that access to a STUN server can be controlled even if the tokens are compromised.
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Back-to-Back User Agents (B2BUAs) are often designed to be on the media path rather than just intercepting signaling. This means that B2BUAs often act on the
media path leading to separate media legs that the B2BUA correlates and bridges together. When acting on the media path, B2BUAs are likely to receive Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) packets
as part of Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) processing. This document defines behavior for a B2BUA performing ICE processing. The goal of this document is to ensure that B2BUAs properly handle
SIP messages that carry ICE semantics in Session Description Protocol (SDP) and STUN messages received as part of the ICE procedures for NAT and Firewall traversal of multimedia sessions.
RTP Control Protocol Extended Reports (RTCP XR)
This document defines the Extended Report (XR) packet type for the RTP Control Protocol (RTCP), and defines how the use of XR packets
can be signaled by an application if it employs the Session Description Protocol (SDP). XR packets are composed of report blocks, and seven block
types are defined here. The purpose of the extended reporting format is to convey information that supplements the six statistics that are contained
in the report blocks used by RTCP's Sender Report (SR) and Receiver Report (RR) packets. Some applications, such as multicast inference of network
characteristics (MINC) or voice over IP (VoIP) monitoring, require other and more detailed statistics. In addition to the block types defined here,
additional block types may be defined in the future by adhering to the framework that this document provides.
Integration of Resource Management and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document defines a generic framework for preconditions, which are extensible through IANA registration. This document also discusses how network
quality of service can be made a precondition for establishment of sessions initiated by the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). These preconditions require that
the participant reserve network resources before continuing with the session. We do not define new quality of service reservation mechanisms; these
preconditions simply require a participant to use existing resource reservation mechanisms before beginning the session.
Mapping of Media Streams to Resource Reservation Flows
This document defines an extension to the Session Description Protocol (SDP) grouping framework. It allows requesting a group of
media streams to be mapped into a single resource reservation flow. The SDP syntax needed is defined, as well as a new "semantics"
attribute called Single Reservation Flow (SRF).
Private Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Extensions for Media Authorization
This document describes the need for Quality of Service (QoS) and media authorization and defines a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
extension that can be used to integrate QoS admission control with call signaling and help guard against denial of service attacks. The
use of this extension is only applicable in administrative domains, or among federations of administrative domains with previously
agreed-upon policies, where both the SIP proxy authorizing the QoS, and the policy control of the underlying network providing the QoS,
belong to that administrative domain or federation of domains.
The Reason Header Field for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
For creating services, it is often useful to know why a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) request was issued. This document defines
a header field, Reason, that provides this information. The Reason header field is also intended to be used to encapsulate a final
status code in a provisional response. This functionality is needed to resolve the "Heterogeneous Error Response Forking Problem", or
ISDN User Part (ISUP) Cause Location Parameter for the SIP Reason Header Field
The SIP Reason header field is defined to carry ISUP (ISDN User Part) cause values as well as SIP response codes. Some services in SIP
networks may need to know the ISUP location where the call was released in the PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) to correctly
interpret the reason of release. This document updates RFC 3326 by adding a location parameter for this purpose.
Basic Telephony SIP End-to-End Performance Metrics
This document defines a set of metrics and their usage to evaluate the performance of end-to-end Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for
telephony services in both production and testing environments. The purpose of this document is to combine a standard set of common
metrics, allowing interoperable performance measurements, easing the comparison of industry implementations.
A Transport Independent Bandwidth Modifier for the Session Description Protocol (SDP)
This document defines a Session Description Protocol (SDP) Transport Independent Application Specific Maximum (TIAS) bandwidth modifier
that does not include transport overhead; instead an additional packet rate attribute is defined. The transport independent bit-rate value
together with the maximum packet rate can then be used to calculate the real bit-rate over the transport actually used.
The existing SDP bandwidth modifiers and their values include the bandwidth needed for the transport and IP layers. When using SDP
with protocols like the Session Announcement Protocol (SAP), the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), and the Real-Time Streaming
Protocol (RTSP), and when the involved hosts has different transport overhead, for example due to different IP versions, the
interpretation of what lower layer bandwidths are included is not clear.
Update to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Preconditions Framework
This document updates RFC 3312, which defines the framework for preconditions in SIP. We provide guidelines for authors of new
precondition types and describe how to use SIP preconditions in situations that involve session mobility.
Security Preconditions for Session Description Protocol (SDP) Media Streams
This document defines a new security precondition for the Session Description Protocol (SDP) precondition framework described in RFCs
3312 and 4032. A security precondition can be used to delay session establishment or modification until media stream security for a
secure media stream has been negotiated successfully.
Session Initiation Protocol Event Package for Voice Quality Reporting
This document defines a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) event package that enables the collection and reporting of metrics that
measure the quality for Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) sessions. Voice call quality information derived from RTP Control
Protocol Extended Reports (RTCP-XR) and call information from SIP is conveyed from a User Agent (UA) in a session, known as a
reporter, to a third party, known as a collector. A registration for the application/ vq-rtcpxr media type is also included.
A Framework for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Session Policies
Proxy servers play a central role as an intermediary in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) as they define and impact policies on call
routing, rendezvous, and other call features. This document specifies a framework for SIP session policies that provides a
standard mechanism by which a proxy can define or influence policies on sessions, such as the codecs or media types to be used. It
defines a model, an overall architecture and new protocol mechanisms for session policies.
Communications Resource Priority for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document defines two new Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) header fields for communicating resource priority, namely,
"Resource-Priority" and "Accept-Resource-Priority". The "Resource-Priority" header field can influence the behavior of SIP
user agents (such as telephone gateways and IP telephones) and SIP proxies. It does not directly influence the forwarding behavior of
IP routers.
A Presence Event Package for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document describes the usage of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for subscriptions and notifications of presence. Presence is
defined as the willingness and ability of a user to communicate with other users on the network. Historically, presence has been limited
to "on-line" and "off-line" indicators; the notion of presence here is broader. Subscriptions and notifications of presence are
supported by defining an event package within the general SIP event notification framework. This protocol is also compliant with the
Common Presence Profile (CPP) framework.
Timed Presence Extensions to the Presence Information Data Format (PIDF) to Indicate Status Information for Past and Future Time
The Presence Information Data Format (PIDF) defines a basic XML format for presenting presence information for a presentity. This
document extends PIDF, adding a timed status extension (<timed-status> element) that allows a presentity to declare its
status for a time interval fully in the future or the past.
A Watcher Information Event Template-Package for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document defines the watcher information template-package for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) event framework. Watcher
information refers to the set of users subscribed to a particular resource within a particular event package. Watcher information
changes dynamically as users subscribe, unsubscribe, are approved, or are rejected. A user can subscribe to this information, and
therefore learn about changes to it. This event package is a template-package because it can be applied to any event package,
including itself.
Presence Information Data Format (PIDF)
This memo specifies the Common Profile for Presence (CPP) Presence Information Data Format (PIDF) as a
common presence data format for CPP-compliant Presence protocols, and also defines a new media type
"application/pidf+xml" to represent the XML MIME entity for PIDF.
A Presence-based GEOPRIV Location Object Format
This document describes an object format for carrying geographical information on the Internet. This location object
extends the Presence Information Data Format (PIDF), which was designed for communicating privacy-sensitive presence
information and which has similar properties.
An INVITE-Initiated Dialog Event Package for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document defines a dialog event package for the SIP Events architecture, along with a data format used in notifications
for this package. The dialog package allows users to subscribe to another user and to receive notification of the changes in
state of INVIT- initiated dialog usages in which the subscribed-to user is involved.
RPID: Rich Presence Extensions to the Presence Information Data Format (PIDF)
The Presence Information Data Format (PIDF) defines a basic format for representing presence information for a presentity. This
format defines a textual note, an indication of availability (open or closed) and a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for
communication. The Rich Presence Information Data format (RPID) described here is an extension that adds optional elements
to the Presence Information Data Format (PIDF). These extensions provide additional information about the presentity and its
contacts. The information is designed so that much of it can be derived automatically, e.g., from calendar files or user activity.
This extension includes information about what the person is doing, a grouping identifier for a tuple, when a service or device
was last used, the type of place a person is in, what media communications might remain private, the relationship of a service
tuple to another presentity, the person's mood, the time zone it is located in, the type of service it offers, an icon reflecting the
presentity's status, and the overall role of the presentity. These extensions include presence information for persons, services
(tuples), and devices.
CIPID: Contact Information for the Presence Information Data Format
The Presence Information Data Format (PIDF) defines a basic XML format for presenting presence information for a presentity. The
Contact Information for the Presence Information Data format (CIPID) is an extension that adds elements to PIDF that provide
additional contact information about a presentity and its contacts, including references to address book entries and icons.
A Mechanism for Content Indirection in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Messages
This document defines an extension to the URL MIME External-Body Access-Type to satisfy the content indirection requirements
for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). These extensions are aimed at allowing any MIME part in a SIP message to be referred to
indirectly via a URI.
A Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Package for Conference State
This document defines a conference event package for tightly coupled conferences using the Session Initiation
Protocol (SIP) events framework, along with a data format used in notifications for this package. The conference
package allows users to subscribe to a conference Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). Notifications are sent about
changes in the membership of this conference and optionally about changes in the state of additional conference
A Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Package for Key Press Stimulus (KPML)
This document describes a SIP Event Package "kpml" that enables monitoring of Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) signals and
uses Extensible Markup Language (XML) documents referred to as Key Press Markup Language (KPML). The kpml Event Package
may be used to support applications consistent with the principles defined in the document titled "A Framework for Application
Interaction in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)". The event package uses SUBSCRIBE messages and allows for XML
documents that define and describe filter specifications for capturing key presses (DTMF Tones) entered at a presentation-free
User Interface SIP User Agent (UA). The event package uses NOTIFY messages and allows for XML documents to report
the captured key presses (DTMF tones), consistent with the filter specifications, to an Application Server. The scope of this
package is for collecting supplemental key presses or mid-call key presses (triggers).
Session Description Protocol (SDP) Attributes for Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Broadcast (BCAST) Service and Content Protection
This document provides descriptions of Session Description Protocol (SDP) attributes used by the Open Mobile Alliance's
Broadcast Service and Content Protection specification.
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) User Agent Capability Extension to Presence Information Data Format (PIDF)
Presence Information Data Format (PIDF) defines a common presence data format for Common Profile for Presence (CPP)
compliant presence protocols. This memo defines a PIDF extension to represent SIP User Agent capabilities.
Presence Information Data Format (PIDF) Extension for Partial Presence
The Presence Information Document Format (PIDF) specifies the baseline XML-based format for describing presence information. One
of the characteristics of the PIDF is that the document always needs to carry all presence information available for the presentity. In
some environments where low bandwidth and high latency links can exist, it is often beneficial to limit the amount of transported
information over the network. This document introduces a new MIME type that enables transporting of either only the changed parts
or the full PIDF-based presence information.
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Pending Additions Event Package
This document defines the SIP Pending Additions event package. This event package is used by SIP relays to inform user
agents about the consent-related status of the entries to be added to a resource list.
Multiple-Recipient MESSAGE Requests in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document specifies a mechanism that allows a SIP User Agent Client (UAC) to send a SIP MESSAGE request to a set of
destinations, by using a SIP URI-list (Uniform Resource Identifier list) service. The UAC sends a SIP MESSAGE request that
includes the payload along with the URI list to the MESSAGE URI-list service, which sends a MESSAGE request including the
payload to each of the URIs included in the list.
Subscriptions to Request-Contained Resource Lists in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document specifies a way to create subscription to a list of resources in SIP. This is achieved by including the list of
resources in the body of a SUBSCRIBE request. Instead of having a subscriber send a SUBSCRIBE request for each resource
individually, the subscriber defines the resource list, subscribes to it, and gets notifications about changes in the resources'
states using a single SUBSCRIBE dialog.
GEOPRIV Presence Information Data Format Location Object (PIDF-LO) Usage Clarification, Considerations, and Recommendations
The Presence Information Data Format Location Object (PIDF-LO) specification provides a flexible and versatile means to represent
location information. There are, however, circumstances that arise when information needs to be constrained in how it is represented.
In these circumstances, the range of options that need to be implemented are reduced. There is growing interest in being able to
use location information contained in a PIDF-LO for routing applications. To allow successful interoperability between applications, location
information needs to be normative and more tightly constrained than is currently specified in RFC 4119 (PIDF-LO). This document makes
recommendations on how to constrain, represent, and interpret locations in a PIDF-LO. It further recommends a subset of Geography Markup
Language (GML) 3.1.1 that is mandatory to implement by applications involved in location-based routing.
Implications of 'retransmission-allowed' for SIP Location Conveyance
This document explores an ambiguity in the interpretation of the <retransmission-allowed> element of the Presence Information Data Format for
Location Objects (PIDF-LO) in cases where PIDF-LO is conveyed by the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). It provides recommendations for how the
SIP location conveyance mechanism should adapt to this ambiguity. Documents standardizing the SIP location conveyance mechanisms will be
Standards-Track documents processed according to the usual SIP process. This document is intended primarily to provide the SIP working group
with a statement of the consensus of the GEOPRIV working group on this topic. It secondarily provides tutorial
information on the problem space for the general reader.
Registration Event Package Extension for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Globally Routable User Agent URIs (GRUUs)
RFC 3680 defines a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) event package for registration state. This package allows a watcher to learn about
information stored by a SIP registrar, including its registered contact. However, the registered contact is frequently unreachable and thus
not useful for watchers. The Globally Routable User Agent URI (GRUU), defined in RFC 5627, is a URI that is capable of reaching a
particular contact. However this URI is not included in the document format defined in RFC 3680. This specification defines an extension
to the registration event package to include GRUUs assigned by the registrar.
Considerations for Civic Addresses in the Presence Information Data Format Location Object (PIDF-LO): Guidelines and IANA Registry Definition
This document provides a guideline for creating civic address considerations documents for individual countries, as required by RFC
4776. Furthermore, this document also creates an IANA Registry referring to such address considerations documents and registers such
address considerations for Austria.
An Extension to Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Events for Conditional Event Notification
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) events framework enables receiving asynchronous notification of various events from other SIP
user agents. This framework defines the procedures for creating, refreshing, and terminating subscriptions, as well as fetching and
periodic polling of resource state. These procedures provide no tools to avoid replaying event notifications that have already been
received by a user agent. This memo defines an extension to SIP events that allows the subscriber to condition the subscription
request to whether the state has changed since the previous notification was received. When such a condition is true, either the
body of a resulting event notification or the entire notification message is suppressed.
Dynamic Extensions to the Presence Information Data Format Location Object (PIDF-LO)
The Geopriv Location Object introduced by the Presence Information Data Format - Location Object (PIDF-LO), RFC 4119, defines a basic
XML format for carrying geographical information of a presentity. This document defines PIDF-LO extensions to convey information about
moving objects. Elements are defined that enable expression of spatial orientation, speed, and heading of the presentity.
Filtering Location Notifications in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document describes filters that limit asynchronous location notifications to compelling events. These filters are designed as an
extension to RFC 4661, an XML-based format for event notification filtering, and based on RFC 3856, the SIP presence event package.
The resulting location information is conveyed in existing location formats wrapped in the Presence Information Data Format Location
Object (PIDF-LO).
Specifying Civic Address Extensions in the Presence Information Data Format Location Object (PIDF-LO)
New fields are occasionally added to civic addresses. A backward-compatible mechanism for adding civic address elements to the Geopriv civic
address format is described. A formal mechanism for handling unsupported extensions when translating between XML and DHCP civic address forms
is defined for entities that need to perform this translation. Initial extensions for some new elements are also defined. The Location-to-Service
Translation (LoST) protocol mechanism (defined in RFC 5222) that returns civic address element names used for validation of location information is
clarified and is normatively updated to require a qualifying namespace identifier on each civic address element returned as part of the validation
SIMPLE Made Simple: An Overview of the IETF Specifications for Instant Messaging and Presence Using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
The IETF has produced many specifications related to Presence and Instant Messaging with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). Collectively, these
specifications are known as SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions (SIMPLE). This document serves as a guide to the
SIMPLE suite of specifications. It categorizes the specifications, explains what each is for, and how they relate to each other.
Instant Messaging and Presence Purpose for the Call-Info Header Field in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document defines and registers a value of "impp" ("instant messaging and presence protocol") for the "purpose" header field
parameter of the Call-Info header field in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
CUSAX: Combined Use of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP)
This document suggests some strategies for the combined use of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the Extensible Messaging and
Presence Protocol (XMPP) both in user-oriented clients and in deployed servers. Such strategies, which mainly consist of
configuration changes and minimal software modifications to existing clients and servers, aim to provide a single, full-featured, real-
time communication service by using complementary subsets of features from SIP and from XMPP. Typically, such subsets consist of telephony
capabilities from SIP and instant messaging and presence capabilities from XMPP. This document does not define any new protocols or syntax
for either SIP or XMPP and, by intent, does not attempt to standardize "best current practices". Instead, it merely aims to provide practical guidance to
those who are interested in the combined use of SIP and XMPP for real-time communication.
Interworking between the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP): Architecture, Addresses, and Error
As a foundation for the definition of bidirectional protocol mappings between the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the Extensible Messaging and
Presence Protocol (XMPP), this document specifies the architectural assumptions underlying such mappings as well as the mapping of addresses and error
Interworking between the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP): Presence
This document defines a bidirectional protocol mapping for the exchange of presence information between the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the
Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP).
Representation of Uncertainty and Confidence in the Presence Information Data Format Location Object (PIDF-LO)
This document defines key concepts of uncertainty and confidence as they pertain to location information. Methods for the manipulation
of location estimates that include uncertainty information are outlined.
Interworking between the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP): One-to-One Text Chat Sessions
This document defines a bidirectional protocol mapping for the exchange of instant messages in the context of a one-to-one chat session between a user
of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and a user of the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP). Specifically for SIP text chat, this document
specifies a mapping to the Message Session Relay Protocol (MSRP).
Interworking between the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP): Instant Messaging
This document defines a bidirectional protocol mapping for the exchange of single instant messages between the Session Initiation
Protocol (SIP) and the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP).
A Clarification on the Use of Globally Routable User Agent URIs (GRUUs) in the SIP Event Notification Framework
Experience since the publication of the most recent SIP Events framework (in July 2012) has shown that there is room for interpretation around the use of
Globally Routable User Agent URIs in that specification. This document clarifies the intended behavior. This document updates RFC 6665.
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)-Specific Event Notification
This document describes an extension to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). The purpose of this extension is to provide an extensible framework by
which SIP nodes can request notification from remote nodes indicating that certain events have occurred. Concrete uses of the mechanism described
in this document may be standardized in the future. Note that the event notification mechanisms defined herein are NOT intended to be a general-
purpose infrastructure for all classes of event subscription and notification.
A Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Package for Registrations
This document defines a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) event package for registrations. Through its REGISTER method, SIP allows a user agent to
create, modify, and delete registrations. Registrations can also be altered by administrators in order to enforce policy. As a result, these
registrations represent a piece of state in the network that can change dynamically. There are many cases where a user agent would like to be
notified of changes in this state. This event package defines a mechanism by which those user agents can request and obtain such notifications.
A No Soliciting Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Service Extension
This document proposes an extension to Soliciting Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) for an electronic mail equivalent to the real-world "No
Soliciting" sign. In addition to the service extension, a new message header and extensions to the existing "received" message header are
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Extension for Event State Publication
This document describes an extension to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for publishing event state used within the SIP Events
framework. The first application of this extension is for the publication of presence information. The mechanism described in this document can
be extended to support publication of any event state for which there exists an appropriate event package. It is not intended to be a general-
purpose mechanism for transport of arbitrary data, as there are better-suited mechanisms for this purpose.
The Session Description Protocol (SDP) Label Attribute
This document defines a new Session Description Protocol (SDP) media-level attribute: "label". The "label" attribute carries a pointer to a media
stream in the context of an arbitrary network application that uses SDP. The sender of the SDP document can attach the "label" attribute to a
particular media stream or streams. The application can then use the provided pointer to refer to each particular media stream in its context.
A Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Package for Conference State
This document defines a conference event package for tightly coupled conferences using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) events
framework, along with a data format used in notifications for this package. The conference package allows users to subscribe to a
conference Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). Notifications are sent about changes in the membership of this conference and optionally
about changes in the state of additional conference components.
Functional Description of Event Notification Filtering
The SIP event notification framework describes the usage of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for subscriptions and notifications
of changes to the state of a resource. The document does not describe a mechanism whereby filtering of event notification
information can be achieved. This document describes the operations a subscriber performs in order to put filtering rules associated with a
subscription to event notification information in place. The handling, by the subscriber, of responses to subscriptions carrying filtering rules and the
handling of notifications with filtering rules applied to them are also described. Furthermore, the document conveys how the notifier behaves when
receiving such filtering rules and how a notification is constructed.
An Extensible Markup Language (XML)-Based Format for Event Notification Filtering
The SIP event notification framework describes the usage of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for subscriptions and notifications
of changes to a state of a resource. The document does not describe a mechanism whereby filtering of event notification information can
be achieved. Filtering is a mechanism for defining the preferred notification information to be delivered and for specifying triggers
that cause that information to be delivered. In order to enable this, a format is needed to enable the subscriber to describe the
state changes of a resource that cause notifications to be sent to it and what those notifications are to contain. This document presents
a format in the form of an XML document.
Framework and Security Considerations for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) URI-List Services
This document describes the need for SIP URI-list services and provides requirements for their invocation. Additionally, it defines
a framework for SIP URI-list services, which includes security considerations applicable to these services.
Subscriptions to Request-Contained Resource Lists in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document specifies a way to create subscription to a list of resources in SIP. This is achieved by including the list of
resources in the body of a SUBSCRIBE request. Instead of having a subscriber send a SUBSCRIBE request for each resource individually,
the subscriber defines the resource list, subscribes to it, and gets notifications about changes in the resources' states using a single
An Extension to Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Events for Conditional Event Notification
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) events framework enables receiving asynchronous notification of various events from other SIP user agents.
This framework defines the procedures for creating, refreshing, and terminating subscriptions, as well as fetching and periodic polling of resource
state. These procedures provide no tools to avoid replaying event notifications that have already been received by a user agent. This memo
defines an extension to SIP events that allows the subscriber to condition the subscription request to whether the state has changed since the
previous notification was received. When such a condition is true, either the body of a resulting event notification or the entire notification
message is suppressed.
An Extensible Markup Language (XML) Configuration Access Protocol (XCAP) Diff Event Package
This document describes an "xcap-diff" SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) event package for the SIP Event Notification Framework, which clients can
use to receive notifications of changes to Extensible Markup Language (XML) Configuration Access Protocol (XCAP) resources. The initial
synchronization information exchange and document updates are based on the XCAP Diff format.
A SIP Event Package for Subscribing to Changes to an HTTP Resource
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is increasingly being used in systems that are tightly coupled with Hypertext Transport Protocol
(HTTP) servers for a variety of reasons. In many of these cases, applications can benefit from being able to discover, in near real-time, when a
specific HTTP resource is created, changed, or deleted. This document proposes a mechanism, based on the SIP Event Framework, for doing so.
Registration for Multiple Phone Numbers in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document defines a mechanism by which a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) server acting as a traditional Private Branch Exchange
(PBX) can register with a SIP Service Provider (SSP) to receive phone calls for SIP User Agents (UAs). In order to function properly, this
mechanism requires that each of the Addresses of Record (AORs) registered in bulk map to a unique set of contacts. This requirement
is satisfied by AORs representing phone numbers regardless of the domain, since phone numbers are fully qualified and globally unique.
This document therefore focuses on this use case.
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Notification Extension for Notification Rate Control
This document specifies mechanisms for adjusting the rate of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) event notifications. These mechanisms can
be applied in subscriptions to all SIP event packages. This document updates RFC 3265.
SIP-Specific Event Notification
This document describes an extension to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) defined by RFC 3261. The purpose of this extension is to provide an
extensible framework by which SIP nodes can request notification from remote nodes indicating that certain events have occurred. Note that the
event notification mechanisms defined herein are NOT intended to be a general-purpose infrastructure for all classes of event subscription and
notification. This document represents a backwards-compatible improvement on the original mechanism described by RFC 3265, taking into
account several years of implementation experience. Accordingly, this document obsoletes RFC 3265. This document also updates RFC 4660 slightly
to accommodate some small changes to the mechanism that were discussed in that document.
A Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Package for Session-Specific Policies
This specification defines a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) event package for session-specific policies. This event package enables user agents (UAs) to
subscribe to session policies for a SIP session and to receive notifications if these policies change.
A Group Text Chat Purpose for Conference and Service URIs in the SIP Event Package for Conference State
This document defines and registers a value of "grouptextchat" ("Group Text Chat") for the URI <purpose> element of SIP's Conference Event Package.
A Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Load-Control Event Package
This specification defines a load-control event package for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). It allows SIP entities to distribute load-filtering policies
to other SIP entities in the network. The load-filtering policies contain rules to throttle calls from a specific user or based on their source or
destination domain, telephone number prefix. The mechanism helps to prevent signaling overload and complements feedback-based SIP overload
control efforts.
A Message Summary and Message Waiting Indication Event Package for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document describes a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) event package to carry message waiting status and message summaries from a
messaging system to an interested User Agent.
Offer/Answer Considerations for G723 Annex A and G729 Annex B
This document provides the offer/answer considerations for the annexa parameter of G723 and the annexb parameter of G729, G729D, and
G729E when the value of the annexa or annexb parameter does not match in the Session Description Protocol (SDP) offer and answer.
Control of Service Context using SIP Request-URI
This memo provides information for the Internet community. It describes a useful way to conceptualize the use of the standard SIP
(Session Initiation Protocol) Request-URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) that the authors and many members of the SIP community
think is suitable as a convention. It does not define any new protocol with respect to RFC 2543. In a conventional telephony environment,
extended service applications often use call state information, such as calling party, called party, reason for forward, etc, to infer application
context. In a SIP/2.0 call, much of this information may be either non-existent or unreliable. This document proposes a mechanism to
communicate context information to an application. Under this proposal, a client or proxy can communicate context through the use
of a distinctive Request-URI. This document continues with examples of how this mechanism could be used in a voice mail application.
Basic Network Media Services with SIP
In SIP-based networks, there is a need to provide basic network media services. Such services include network announcements, user
interaction, and conferencing services. These services are basic building blocks, from which one can construct interesting
applications. In order to have interoperability between servers offering these building blocks (also known as Media Servers) and
application developers, one needs to be able to locate and invoke such services in a well defined manner. This document describes a
mechanism for providing an interoperable interface between Application Servers, which provide application services to SIP-based networks,
and Media Servers, which provide the basic media processing building blocks.
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) URIs for Applications such as Voicemail and Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is often used to initiate connections to applications such as voicemail or interactive voice recognition
systems. This specification describes a convention for forming SIP service URIs that request particular services based on redirecting targets
from such applications.
SIP "cause" URI Parameter for Service Number Translation
RFC 4458 (regarding SIP URIs for applications) defines a "cause" URI parameter, which may appear in the Request-URI of a SIP request, that
is used to indicate a reason why the request arrived to the User Agent Server (UAS) receiving the message. This document updates RFC
4458 by creating a new predefined value for the "cause" URI parameter to cover service number translation for cases of retargeting due to
specific service action leading to the translation of a called service access number. This document also provides guidance, which
was missing in RFC 4458, for using the "cause" URI parameter within the History-Info header field, since this use is mandatory in some IP
networks' implementations.
Multiple-Recipient MESSAGE Requests in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document specifies a mechanism that allows a SIP User Agent Client (UAC) to send a SIP MESSAGE request to a set of destinations,
by using a SIP URI-list (Uniform Resource Identifier list) service. The UAC sends a SIP MESSAGE request that includes the payload along
with the URI list to the MESSAGE URI-list service, which sends a MESSAGE request including the payload to each of the URIs included in
the list.
Obtaining and Using Globally Routable User Agent URIs (GRUUs) in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
Abstract: Several applications of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) require a user agent (UA) to construct and distribute a URI that can be
used by anyone on the Internet to route a call to that specific UA instance. A URI that routes to a specific UA instance is called a
Globally Routable UA URI (GRUU). This document describes an extension to SIP for obtaining a GRUU from a registrar and for
communicating a GRUU to a peer within a dialog.
The Use of the SIPS URI Scheme in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
Abstract: This document provides clarifications and guidelines concerning the use of the SIPS URI scheme in the Session Initiation
Protocol (SIP). It also makes normative changes to SIP.
Sieve Notification Mechanism: SIP MESSAGE
Abstract: This document describes a profile of the Sieve extension for notifications, to allow notifications to be sent over SIP
A Document Format for Requesting Consent
Abstract:This document defines an Extensible Markup Language (XML) format for a permission document used to request
consent. A permission document written in this format is used by a relay to request a specific recipient permission to
perform a particular routing translation.
Security Mechanism Agreement for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
Abstract: This document defines new functionality for negotiating the security mechanisms used between a Session Initiation
Protocol (SIP) user agent and its next-hop SIP entity. This new functionality supplements the existing methods of choosing
security mechanisms between SIP entities.
Optional Checksums in Intermediate System to Intermediate System (ISIS)
Abstract: This document describes an optional extension to the Intermediate System to Intermediate System (ISIS) protocol, used today by
several Internet Service Proviers (ISPs) for routing within their clouds. ISIS is an interior gateway routing protocol developed originally by
OSI and used with IP extensions as Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP). ISIS originally does not provide Complete Sequence Numbers Protocol
Data (CSNP) and Partial Sequence Numbers Protocol Data Unit (PSNP) checksums, relying on the underlying layers to verify the integrity
of information provided. Experience with the protocol shows that this precondition does not always hold and scenarios can be imagined
that impact protocol functionality. This document introduces a new optional Type, Length and Value (TLV) providing checksums.
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Authenticated Identity Body (AIB) Format
Abstract: RFC 3261 introduces the concept of adding an S/MIME body to a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) request or response in order to provide
reference integrity over its headers. This document provides a more specific mechanism to derive integrity and authentication properties
from an 'authenticated identity body', a digitally-signed SIP message, or message fragment. A standard format for such bodies (known as
Authenticated Identity Bodies, or AIBs) is given in this document. Some considerations for the processing of AIBs by recipients of SIP messages
with such bodies are also given.
Enhancements for Authenticated Identity Management in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
The existing security mechanisms in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) are inadequate for cryptographically assuring the identity of
the end users that originate SIP requests, especially in an interdomain context. This document defines a mechanism for securely
identifying originators of SIP messages. It does so by defining two new SIP header fields, Identity, for conveying a signature used for
validating the identity, and Identity-Info, for conveying a reference to the certificate of the signer.
Authenticated Identity Management in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
The baseline security mechanisms in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) are inadequate for cryptographically assuring the identity
of the end users that originate SIP requests, especially in an interdomain context. This document defines a mechanism for
securely identifying originators of SIP requests. It does so by defining a SIP header field for conveying a signature used for
validating the identity and for conveying a reference to the credentials of the signer.
Personal Assertion Token (PASSporT) Extension for Diverted Calls
Abstract:The Personal Assertion Token (PASSporT) is specified in RFC 8225 to convey cryptographically signed information
about the people involved in personal communications. This document extends PASSporT to include an indication that a call has
been diverted from its original destination to a new one. This information can greatly improve the decisions made by verification
services in call forwarding scenarios. Also specified here is an encapsulation mechanism for nesting a PASSporT within another
PASSporT that assists relying parties in some diversion scenarios. This document updates RFC 8224.
Session Description Protocol (SDP) Format for Binary Floor Control Protocol (BFCP) Streams
This document specifies how to describe Binary Floor Control Protocol (BFCP) streams in Session Description Protocol (SDP) descriptions.
User agents using the offer/answer model to establish BFCP streams use this format in their offers and answers.
Key Management Extensions for Session Description Protocol (SDP) and Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)
This document defines general extensions for Session Description Protocol (SDP) and Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) to carry
messages, as specified by a key management protocol, in order to secure the media. These extensions are presented as a framework, to
be used by one or more key management protocols. As such, their use is meaningful only when complemented by an appropriate key
management protocol. General guidelines are also given on how the framework should be used together with SIP and RTSP. The usage with the
Multimedia Internet KEYing (MIKEY) key management protocol is also defined.
Session Description Protocol (SDP) Security Descriptions for Media Streams
This document defines a Session Description Protocol (SDP) cryptographic attribute for unicast media streams. The attribute describes a
cryptographic key and other parameters that serve to configure security for a unicast media stream in either a single message or a roundtrip
exchange. The attribute can be used with a variety of SDP media transports, and this document defines how to use it for the Secure Real-time
Transport Protocol (SRTP) unicast media streams. The SDP crypto attribute requires the services of a data security protocol to secure the SDP
Session Description Protocol (SDP) Source Filters
This document describes how to adapt the Session Description Protocol (SDP) to express one or more source addresses as a source filter for
one or more destination "connection" addresses. It defines the syntax and semantics for an SDP "source-filter" attribute that may
reference either IPv4 or IPv6 address(es) as either an inclusive or exclusive source list for either multicast or unicast destinations.
In particular, an inclusive source-filter can be used to specify a Source-Specific Multicast (SSM) session.
Connection-Oriented Media Transport over the Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol in the Session Description Protocol (SDP)
This document specifies how to establish secure connection-oriented media transport sessions over the Transport Layer Security (TLS)
protocol using the Session Description Protocol (SDP). It defines a new SDP protocol identifier, 'TCP/TLS'. It also defines the syntax
and semantics for an SDP 'fingerprint' attribute that identifies the certificate that will be presented for the TLS session. This
mechanism allows media transport over TLS connections to be established securely, so long as the integrity of session
descriptions is assured. This document extends and updates RFC 4145.
Connection-Oriented Media Transport over the Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol in the Session Description Protocol (SDP)
This document specifies how to establish secure connection-oriented media transport sessions over the Transport Layer Security (TLS)
protocol using the Session Description Protocol (SDP). It defines the SDP protocol identifier, 'TCP/TLS'. It also defines the syntax and
semantics for an SDP 'fingerprint' attribute that identifies the certificate that will be presented for the TLS session. This
mechanism allows media transport over TLS connections to be established securely, so long as the integrity of session
descriptions is assured. This document obsoletes RFC 4572 by clarifying the usage of multiple fingerprints.
Connected Identity in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document provides a means for a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) User Agent (UA) that receives a dialog-forming request to
supply its identity to the peer UA by means of a request in the reverse direction, and for that identity to be signed by an
Authentication Service. Because of retargeting of a dialog-forming request (changing the value of the Request-URI), the UA that receives
it (the User Agent Server, UAS) can have a different identity from that in the To header field. The same mechanism can be used to
indicate a change of identity during a dialog, e.g., because of some action in the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) behind a
gateway. This document normatively updates RFC 3261 (SIP).
Private Header (P-Header) Extension to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for Authorization of Early Media
This document describes a private Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) header field (P-header) to be used by the European Telecommunications
Standards Institute (ETSI) Telecommunications and Internet-converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networks (TISPAN) for the
purpose of authorizing early media flows in Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS). This header field is
useful in any SIP network that is interconnected with other SIP networks and needs to control the flow of media in the early dialog
Security Preconditions for Session Description Protocol (SDP) Media Streams
Abstract:This document defines a new security precondition for the Session Description Protocol (SDP) precondition framework described
in RFCs 3312 and 4032. A security precondition can be used to delay session establishment or modification until media stream security for
a secure media stream has been negotiated successfully.
A Framework for Consent-Based Communications in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
SIP supports communications for several services, including real-time audio, video, text, instant messaging, and presence. In its current
form, it allows session invitations, instant messages, and other requests to be delivered from one party to another without requiring
explicit consent of the recipient. Without such consent, it is possible for SIP to be used for malicious purposes, including
amplification and DoS (Denial of Service) attacks. This document identifies a framework for consent-based communications in SIP.
Framework and Security Considerations for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) URI-List Services
Abstract: This document describes the need for SIP URI-list services and provides requirements for their invocation. Additionally, it
defines a framework for SIP URI-list services, which includes security considerations applicable to these services.
Framework for Transcoding with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
Abstract: This document defines a framework for transcoding with SIP. This framework includes how to discover the need for transcoding
services in a session and how to invoke those transcoding services. Two models for transcoding services invocation are discussed: the
conference bridge model and the third-party call control model. Both models meet the requirements for SIP regarding transcoding services
invocation to support deaf, hard of hearing, and speech-impaired individuals.
Addressing an Amplification Vulnerability in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Forking Proxies
Abstract: This document normatively updates RFC 3261, the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), to address a security vulnerability identified
in SIP proxy behavior. This vulnerability enables an attack against SIP networks where a small number of legitimate, even authorized, SIP
requests can stimulate massive amounts of proxy-to-proxy traffic. This document strengthens loop-detection requirements on SIP
proxies when they fork requests (that is, forward a request to more than one destination). It also corrects and clarifies the description of
the loop-detection algorithm such proxies are required to implement Additionally, this document defines a Max-Breadth mechanism for
limiting the number of concurrent branches pursued for any given request.
Domain Certificates in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
Abstract: This document describes how to construct and interpret certain information in a PKIX-compliant (Public Key Infrastructure using
X.509) certificate for use in a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) over Transport Layer Security (TLS) connection. More specifically,
this document describes how to encode and extract the identity of a SIP domain in a certificate and how to use that identity for SIP
domain authentication. As such, this document is relevant both to implementors of SIP and to issuers of certificates.
Connection Reuse in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
Abstract: This document enables a pair of communicating proxies to reuse a congestion-controlled connection between themselves for
sending requests in the forwards and backwards direction. Because the connection is essentially aliased for requests going in the backwards
direction, reuse is predicated upon both the communicating endpoints authenticating themselves using X.509 certificates through Transport
Layer Security (TLS). For this reason, we only consider connection reuse for TLS over TCP and TLS over Stream Control Transmission
Protocol (SCTP). This document also provides guidelines on connection reuse and virtual SIP servers and the interaction of
connection reuse and DNS SRV lookups in SIP.
Extended Key Usage (EKU) for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) X.509 Certificates
Abstract: This memo documents an extended key usage (EKU) X.509 certificate extension for restricting the applicability of a certificate to use
with a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) service. As such, in addition to providing rules for SIP implementations, this memo also
provides guidance to issuers of certificates for use with SIP.
Example Call Flows Using Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Security Mechanisms
Abstract: This document shows example call flows demonstrating the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS), and Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extensions (S/MIME) in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). It also provides information that helps implementers build interoperable SIP
software. To help facilitate interoperability testing, it includes certificates used in the example call flows and processes to create certificates for
Certificate Management Service for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
Abstract: This document defines a credential service that allows Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) User Agents (UAs) to use a SIP
event package to discover the certificates of other users. This mechanism allows User Agents that want to contact a given
Address-of-Record (AOR) to retrieve that AOR's certificate by subscribing to the credential service, which returns an authenticated
response containing that certificate. The credential service also allows users to store and retrieve their own certificates and private
A Uniform Resource Name (URN) for Emergency and Other Well-Known Services
Abstract: The content of many communication services depends on the context, such as the user's location. We describe a 'service' URN that
allows well-known context-dependent services that can be resolved in a distributed manner to be identified. Examples include emergency
services, directory assistance, and call-before-you-dig hot lines.
Requirements for Emergency Context Resolution with Internet Technologies
Abstract: This document defines terminology and enumerates requirements for the context resolution of emergency calls placed by the public
using voice-over-IP (VoIP) and general Internet multimedia systems, where Internet protocols are used end to end.
Security Threats and Requirements for Emergency Call Marking and Mapping
Abstract: This document reviews the security threats associated with the marking of signalling messages to indicate that they are related to
an emergency, and with the process of mapping locations to Universal Resource Identifiers (URIs) that point to Public Safety Answering
Points (PSAPs). This mapping occurs as part of the process of routing emergency calls through the IP network. Based on the identified threats,
this document establishes a set of security requirements for the mapping protocol and for the handling of emergency-marked calls.
LoST: A Location-to-Service Translation Protocol
Abstract: This document describes an XML-based protocol for mapping service identifiers and geodetic or civic location information to service
contact URIs. In particular, it can be used to determine the location-appropriate Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for emergency services.
Location Hiding: Problem Statement and Requirements
Abstract: The emergency services architecture developed in the IETF Emergency Context Resolution with Internet Technology (ECRIT) working
group describes an architecture where location information is provided by access networks to endpoints or Voice over IP (VoIP) service
providers in order to determine the correct dial string and information to route the call to a Public Safety Answering Point
(PSAP). To determine the PSAP Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), the usage of the Location-to-Service Translation (LoST) protocol is
envisioned. This document provides a problem statement and lists requirements for situations where the Internet Access Provider (IAP) and/
or the Internet Service Provider (ISP) are only willing to disclose limited or no location information.
Registering a SIP Resource Priority Header Field Namespace for Local Emergency Communications
Abstract: This document creates the new Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Resource Priority header field namespace 'esnet' and registers this
namespace with IANA. The new header field namespace allows for local emergency session establishment to a public safety answering point
(PSAP), between PSAPs, and between a PSAP and first responders and their organizations.
URN for Country-Specific Emergency Services
Abstract: This document updates the registration guidance provided in Section 4.2 of RFC 5031, which allows the registration of service URNs
with the 'sos' service type only for emergency services "that are offered widely and in different countries". This document updates those
instructions to allow such registrations when, at the time of registration, those services are offered in only one country.
Communications Resource Priority for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
Abstract: This document defines two new Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) header fields for communicating resource priority, namely,
"Resource-Priority" and "Accept-Resource-Priority". The "Resource-Priority" header field can influence the behavior of SIP user agents (such
as telephone gateways and IP telephones) and SIP proxies. It does not directly influence the forwarding behavior of IP routers.
Support for IPv6 in Session Description Protocol (SDP)
Abstract: This document describes the use of Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) addresses in conjunction with the Session Description Protocol (SDP).
Specifically, this document clarifies existing text in SDP with regards to the syntax of IPv6 addresses.
Sending Multiple Types of Media in a Single RTP Session
Abstract:This document specifies how an RTP session can contain RTP streams with media from multiple media types such as audio, video,
and text. This has been restricted by the RTP specifications (RFCs 3550 and 3551), and thus this document updates RFCs 3550 and 3551 to
enable this behaviour for applications that satisfy the applicability for using multiple media types in a single RTP session.
RTP Topologies
Abstract:This document discusses point-to-point and multi-endpoint topologies used in environments based on the Real-time Transport
Protocol (RTP). In particular, centralized topologies commonly employed in the video conferencing industry are mapped to the RTP terminology.
This document is updated with additional topologies and replaces RFC 5117.
A General Mechanism for RTP Header Extensions
Abstract:This document provides a general mechanism to use the header extension feature of RTP (the Real-Time Transport Protocol). It
provides the option to use a small number of small extensions in each RTP packet, where the universe of possible extensions is large and
registration is de-centralized. The actual extensions in use in a session are signaled in the setup information for that session.
A General Mechanism for RTP Header Extensions
Abstract:This document provides a general mechanism to use the header extension feature of RTP (the Real-time Transport
Protocol). It provides the option to use a small number of small extensions in each RTP packet, where the universe of possible
extensions is large and registration is decentralized. The actual extensions in use in a
session are signaled in the setup information for that session. This document obsoletes RFC 5285.
RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Extended Report (XR) Block for Burst/Gap Loss
Metric Reporting
Abstract:This document defines an RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Extended Report (XR) Block that allows the reporting of burst and
gap loss metrics for use in a range of RTP applications.
RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Extended Report (XR) Block for Discard Count Metric Reporting
Abstract:This document defines an RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Extended Report (XR) block that allows the reporting of a simple
discard count metric for use in a range of RTP applications.
RFC 规范
Secure Telephone Identity Revisited (STIR) Out-of-Band Architecture and Use Cases
Abstract: The Personal Assertion Token (PASSporT) format defines a token that can be carried by signaling protocols, including SIP, to
cryptographically attest the identity of callers. However, not all telephone calls use Internet signaling protocols, and some calls use them for
only part of their signaling path, while some cannot reliably deliver SIP header fields end-to-end. This document describes use cases that
require the delivery of PASSporT objects outside of the signaling path, and defines architectures and semantics to provide this functionality.
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